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Saturday, February 18, 2006


By Dan Wooding
Founder of ASSIST Ministries

-- After many years of ethnic strife and civil war, the people of the Republic of Congo (DRC) have finally received some good news in the form of a message of love and miracles from a group of Korean Christians.

Dr. Lee and Johnny Kim with H.E. Joseph Kabila, the president of DRC

Led by Dr. Lee Jae-Rock, senior pastor of the 100,000-member Manmin Joong-Ang Church based in Seoul, the "2006 DRC Miracle Healing Festival" the festival has been taking place at from February 16 to 18, 2006, at Le Stade des Martyr in Kinshasa, the capital city of DR Congo.

Performing each night were various Korean worship groups who danced and sang in French and Lingala too, as the large audience joined in and clapped, swayed and sang along with them.

According to a news release issued from Kinshasa, before the first night of the festival, "DR Congolese president Joseph Kabila invited the speaker Rev. Dr. Lee Jae-Rock to the presidential palace for a friendly dialogue. President Kabila expressed his appreciation to the Rev. Lee for visiting DR Congo to conduct the crusade, and asked him to pray for the unity, peace, and prosperity of DR Congolese.

Press Conference at Kinshasa International Airport

"This crusade was held with support from political, economical leaders as well as from the church leaders and the local press. Many of the prominent members of DR Congolese society said they anticipated great blessing from God through the crusade in the days to come. Rev. Lee Jae-Rock and the mission team were welcomed by the church leaders including Bishop Albert Kankienza, the president of Revival Churches in DRC as well as hundreds of local evangelical Christians with a special traditional Congolese performance at the KINSHASHA International Airport. They also had a press conference at the VIP room with many local media including RNTC, the national TV and radio network."

The release continues, "On the first night, there was a sudden rain fall in Kinshasa which cooled down the heat and drove away the insects for the congregation gathered in the stadium. Pastor Peter, the interpreter from English to Lingala (local language) said, 'We consider rain here in Kinshasa the blessing of God. Tonight we have rainfall which symbolizes the blessing of God to us.'

Crowd at the stadium

"The Rev. Lee Jae-Rock spoke on the first night on 'Why is Jesus Our Only Savior?' He also testified to countless instances of the work of God? power manifested at Manmin and around the world in the name of Jesus Christ. The crowd responded with big applause as the urgent and powerful experiences of the Holy Spirit, accompanied by the manifestation of the powerful works of the living God, took place.

"After proclaiming the message, the Rev. Lee Jae-Rock prayed for the sick. The stage was filled by an innumerable number of people wishing to testify to their healing.

"So many people were touched by the life-giving message about the Savior Jesus Christ by Dr. Lee and experienced the mighty power of God through his prayer. People stood up from their wheelchairs and threw away crutches while people who had been suffering from various kinds of diseases received healing giving glory to God Trinity.

"Local physicians and nurses on-site confirmed the healing of people and assisted in registering their testimonies. Each of them confessed that the works of healing was the manifestation of God's power and expressed interest in collaborating with Manmin to spread the work of God that is confirmed by medical science."

Dr. Lee prays for the sick

Johnny Kim, Director of Manmin TV, said, "Last night Feb 17, the second night of the crusade, it was wonderful. Dr. Lee preached about "God the Creator" with great explosion of power of the Holy Spirit. The stage was not enough to receive all the healed people who wanted to testify to the glory of God Trinity.

"VIPs who sat on stage, included Dr. Jaynet Kabila; the chairperson of Kabila Foundation and the acting first lady), H.E. Azarias Ruberwa, the vice president of DRC. Madam Lylian Bemba, the wife of the vice president BEMBA of DRC, the daughter of the president of REPUBLIC OF CONGO(Brazaville) and cabinet ministers, senators, governors with pastors from Nazaret of Israel, former higher official from Dubai, UAE etc.

"Dr. Lee prayed specially for the blessing of the people and the country of DRC in the name of Jesus Christ."

Dr. Jaynet Kabila expressed her impression saying, "The message on 'Why is Jesus our only Savior.' was so good. Dr. Lee is truly a man of God I appreciate him for his visiting and conducting the crusade in this country, Democratic Republic of Congo for the peace and blessing from God."

The crusade was broadcast live through national run RNTC TV (Radio Nationale et Television Congolaises), as well as around the world via satellite channels including TBN Russia, JBN, FCN, CDM, Holy God TV, CNL, CTNI LATINOAMERICA, BETHESDA, Asomavision GUAYAQUIL, Asomavision QUITO, CANAAN TV, Almavision, Cristovision, Manmin TV, and the Internet.

Throughout the week, DRC daily newspapers, including Le Potentiel one of top newspaper, have been running stories on the crusade.


±â»çº¸±â : http://www.assistnews.net/

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