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Children's Summer Bible School and Students' Summer Retreat that Were Filled with the Spirit

Manmin News   No. 196
August 15, 2010

Children and Students in Manmin Central Church Grow Well!

The 2010 Children's Summer Bible School and Students' Summer Retreat took place at Manmin Central Church and Chungjuho Resort respectively, and many students and children determined to play the role of the salt and light in the world through various programs including life-filled messages, prayer meetings, praise contest, and camp fire.

Children's Sunday School and Students' Sunday School prepared Summer Bible School and Summer Retreat respectively, and relived their parents of the burdens on education.
The teachers of Children's Sunday School, whose principal is Pastor Sungsik Chang and Students' Sunday School, whose principal is Pastor Timothy Kim had prepared for the Summer Bible School and Summer Retreat with fasting and prayer because the future of those children, the church and the nation depend on their education. Those special summer programs were held to help the children and students cultivate their talents, make a proper goal of life in front of God, and become a spiritual leader harboring the world in the Lord.
First, the 2010 Summer Bible School was held with the theme "Spirit" based on 1 John 1:5, at Manmin Central Church, July 25 to 28 under the auspices of Children's Sunday School.
On the first day, Senior Pastor Dr. Jaerock Lee delivered the message titled with "God Listens to My Prayer" and urged children to "pray to God with faith, love and hope for Heaven as His children in order to receive answers."
On the last and fourth day, the 3rd Manmin Children's Performing Arts Festival was held, and many teams showed various performances including fan dance, storytelling, musical and praise-singing. Among those teams 'Power Junior' was awarded the first prize. The children in attendance experienced many signs and wonders—the clouds that blinded the scorching sunlight, dragonflies that appeared from the sky, rainbows, and good weather.
Next, the 2010 Students' Summer Retreat took place at the Chungjuho Resort, Chungbuk Province from July 26 to 29, under the title "Spirit" based on 1 John 1:5. On the first night Pastor Heesun Lee delivered the message titled with "A Man of Spirit" and testified to the spiritual realm she saw with her spiritual eyes, and emphasized about the blessings a spiritual person receives from God.
On the second day athletic meeting was held and all students competed with one another in goodness and the Lord. Brother Jaehoon Jeon from Seosan Manmin Church and Sister Sarah Johnson from West Virginia of USA were chosen as the male and the female MVP. On the second night Pastor Soojin Lee delivered the lecture titled with "Do Not Be Conformed to this World" and taught them why they are tempted by the worldly things, what to put into their hearts and how to control their curiosity on the other sex.
On the third day Pastor Timothy Kim, Principal of Students' Sunday School, delivered the message titled with "By the Power of the Holy Spirit" and planted passion, vision, dream, and zeal into their hearts. Shortly after the education, Five-minute Speech Contest with Dr. Jaerock Lee's books took place and dozens of students spoke about their impressions about the book they read. In the afternoon, they had a special time of looking up to the sky and greatly rejoiced seeing various types of unusual clouds. On the last night the 17th Manmin Praise Contest was held and 9 teams competed—including 3 teams from USA and Canada. At this contest Brother Youngho Kim from Masan Manmin Church won the first prize. After the praise contest, Pastor Andrew led the camp fire and the students displayed their faith and love for God offering fervent praises to God.
Deaconess Eunja Lee who has two children attended the 2010 Children's Summer Bible School and said, "I've volunteered at this 2001 Children's Summer Bible School as an assistant teacher. I've been able to be comforted to see our children be well-armed with the Word of God and them grow well in spirit."
All teachers of Children's Sunday School and Students' Sunday School have spearheaded and will spearhead in teaching children and students with prayer and the love of the Lord in the assurance of the calling of God, and in helping them grow and come forth as competent workers to change the world.




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Manmin News, Manmin, Manmin Church, Manmin Central Church, Jaerock Lee, Jaerock, drLee