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As the Waters Cover the Sea, the Ministry of Manmin Never Ceases - We Welcome You All to the Fantastic Heavenly World of the 29th Church Anniversary Event

Manmin News   No. 255
October 9, 2011

Manmin Central Church celebrated its 29th Anniversary in the fall when the fruits and grains become ripe. A celebration event was held on Friday, October 7th, the eve of the anniversary and the 29th Anniversary Service and Celebration Performance were held on Sunday, October 9th. The church held its Founding Service on October 10, 1982 with the church slogan "Arise, shine" and has been accomplishing national evangelization and the world mission for the past 29 years. The church members gave all thanks and glory to Father God who has led them by His hand and blessed them so they could accomplish all those things.

Senior Pastor Dr. Jaerock Lee has been doing his ministry only with faith. The church now has around 9,000 branch and associative churches all around the world that are leading innumerable souls to the way of salvation through the fiery works of the Holy Spirit. Before he met God, he had suffered from various diseases for seven years. But he was healed of all his diseases through meeting the living God. Since then, he has loved God more than anything else, opened the church with faith, and achieved great growth and revival. Now the church he started has become a mega church and he is also carrying out healing and charity works. Through his unceasing fasting and prayer he has received from God the meanings of Bible verses by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. With them, he has delivered the messages that have enabled him to lead many souls to the way of perfect salvation. The signs and wonders that he has manifested through the power of the Holy Spirit have increased his church members' faith. They keep watching and praying fervently to live by the word. They enjoy gathering together in the church and they have fullness of hope for the heavenly kingdom just like the Early Church members. (Related Articles: Page 2-3)

In 1993, Manmin Central Church was selected as one of the 'World's Top 50 Churches' by the Christian World magazine (US). Since 2000, the church has spearheaded the world mission conducting the International United Crusades. Even in countries where Islam, Hinduism, and Judaism dominate, the church has preached the gospel of Jesus Christ and proven that God the Creator is alive by showing the works of the Holy Spirit. In such crusades, countless souls have been converted to Christianity. Also, the works of power: the blind coming to see, the deaf to hear, and the lame to jump and walk and the dead being revived, they have all taken place endlessly. (Related Articles: page 4-5) In particular, many people gave great glory to God testifying to their healing of poor eyesight in the Special Divine Healing Meeting held in June 2011. (Related Article: Page 8)

In May 1998, God manifested a circular rainbow surrounding the sun and over the church as the sign that 'God walks with Manmin.' After the church passed through three tests that God had allowed only by faith and goodness, He changed the salty sea water into sweet water in Muan Manmin Church in March 5, 2000. Beginning with the sign, the power of creation and the explosive power of the Holy Spirit have continued. People in about 220 countries can attend the church services simultaneously through Manmin TV's broadcasting and internet streaming and by GCN (Global Christian Network). Also the power of God has been attested through scientific medical data in the International Christian Medical Conference that WCDN (World Christian Doctors Network) has hosted every year. Urim Books has distributed Dr. Jaerock Lee's books in multiple languages all over the world. MIS (Manmin International Seminary) has spread the holiness gospel to pastors and church leaders in the world. (Related Articles: Page 6-7)

In the midst of this the church held the 29th Anniversary Eve Performance on October 7. At 9:30 P.M. and again at 10 P.M. on the day, the 3D video that describes the beauty of Heaven was presented for 22 minutes in the outdoor event hall. In the second half of Friday All-night Service, Nissi Orchestra, Shalom Choir, and the Performing Art Committee teams expressed the beauty of Heaven with their performances.

On October 9, the church had the 29th Anniversary Celebration Service with the title of 'Heaven.' The Celebration Performance was under the title of "New Jerusalem, the Castle of the Shepherd." Around 400 people, including the Performing Arts Committee members and staff, devoted themselves to the performance. They gave glory to God with the breathtaking views of New Jerusalem, the best dwelling place in Heaven, which were expressed in their beautiful praise and dancing.




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Manmin News, Manmin, Manmin Church, Manmin Central Church, Jaerock Lee, Jaerock, drLee