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'JESUS CHRIST' Was Proclaimed Through the Power of the Holy Spirit

Manmin News   No. 263
December 4, 2011

Pastor Taesik Gil Led Pastors' Seminars and Handkerchief Healing Crusades in Pakistan and Sri Lanka

The ministry of Manmin in Pakistan and Sri Lanka: While listening to the holiness gospel and watching the power of God, countless people were converted to Christianity, accepted the Lord, and gave glory to God.
Photo 1: Around 5,000 people in Full Gospel Assembly Ground on November 9th
Photo 2: About 2,500 people in Colombo, Sri Lanka on November 19th
Photo 3: Pastors' Seminar in Colombo, Sri Lanka on November 21st
Photo 4: Performance of the Passion Praise Team from Manmin Central Church
Photo 5: Testimony-givers who were healed of various kinds of diseases

Pastor Taesik Gil proclaimed that Jesus Christ is our only Savior and proved the authenticity of the Bible through manifestation of the works of power in Pakistan, where most people are Muslims, and in Sri Lanka where approximately 90 % of the population is Buddhist. Many people who were there received salvation, healing, and answers and gave glory to God.

Pastor Taesik Gil ministers to Daejeon Manmin Church in South Korea. He led Pastors' Seminars and Handkerchief Healing Crusades in Sri Lanka from November 8th to the 17th and then in Pakistan from November 18th through the 24th. All together there were thirteen meetings held in Lahore, Gujranwala, Rawalpindi, Islamabad, and Karachi of Pakistan and in Colombo and Wattala of Sri Lanka.

In Pastors' Seminars, Pastor Gil gave lectures on 'Why Is Jesus Our only Savior?', 'Why Did God Put the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil in the Garden of Eden?', and 'The Difference between Meanings of 'Jesus' and 'Jesus Christ'.' Pastors in attendance listened to the message attentively with saying "Amen" and shouting "Hallelujah" with joy and applause.

What's the most amazing was that the healing works took place a lot quicker than before. Wishal, an 11-year-old boy, had been born blind, but he came to see after the handkerchief prayer of Pastor Gil. An 18-year-old girl by the name Yausaf had such poor vision that she couldn't manage her school life well. But, she was able to read letters after the prayer and gave glory to God. (Refer to 'Handkerchief Prayer' in Acts 19:11-12)

Mantaz Bibi, a 45-year-old woman, had not been able to walk without crutches for six years because of the after-effects of an operation on her legs. She came to walk on her feet right after Pastor Gil's prayer. Inita, a 16-year-old girl, also experienced that a tumor on her gums disappeared immediately after the prayer.

In addition to these cases, many of the people were healed of heart diseases, women diseases, high blood pressure, tinnitus, malaria, and fever. Some were set free from pain and evil spirits. A number of healing works unfolded. There were too many cases to report about all of them. Congregations called out the name of Jesus Christ with joy while witnessing such amazing works of power.

As a result of the meetings, a great number of churches have registered as branch and associative churches of Manmin Central Church and many pastors who had longed for the ministry of Manmin attended.

Pastor Anwar Fazal, president of Isaac TV in Lahore, Pakistan, which broadcasts the programming of GCN TV for six hours a day, stated, "Dr. Jaerock Lee's sermon series and GCN TV programs have been spreading in the countries in Middle East. Many Muslims were converted to Christianity and healed of their diseases. There are overflowing requests from viewing audiences who want to receive Dr. Lee's prayer.

People kept making requests for one of Dr. Jaerock Lee's crusade in their areas. Pastor Samuel Pervez who was one of the organizing committee members of 2000 Pakistan United Crusade with Dr. Jaerock Lee said, "Many local people still have 2000 Pakistan United Crusade in their minds. I want to hold a united crusade again with Dr. Jaerock Lee in Sialkot, Pakistan."

The meetings in Pakistan and Sri Lanka served as good opportunities for Manmin to push ahead with the plan to achieve a globalized parish. We give all thanks and glory to God.




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Manmin News, Manmin, Manmin Church, Manmin Central Church, Jaerock Lee, Jaerock, drLee