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Glory to God in the Highest, and Peace on Earth! We Celebrate Christmas with Joy and Thanks

Manmin News   No. 265
December 18, 2011

Christmas Day, the day when people celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ is just around the corner. Manmin members have had more meaningful time these days. The Lord came to the earth in the likeness of man to save souls and is now preparing the heavenly kingdom for us. We are deeply experiencing God's love this time and we are looking forward to the day of celebration.

We are checking ourselves with the Word of God and trying our best to resemble the Lord. We also give fervent prayer in Daniel Prayer Meeting every night and circumcise our hearts. We are filled with the hope that we will dwell in New Jerusalem forever.

With such joy, thanks, and hope, the members of Design Mission, Sharon Mission, Maintenance Department, Children's Sunday School, Young Adult's Mission, College Mission, Canaan Mission, Paul's Mission, and Mary's Mission have been setting up Christmas trees as voluntary works. The decorative works have been done under the main theme 'Glory to God in the Highest, Peace on Earth.' The inside and outside of the church are adorned with fabrics, flowers, snow-crystal-shaped ornaments, and LED bulbs, which represent the birth of Jesus and the aurora lights. The main sanctuary, in particular, is decorated so as to let the members picture Christmas in the castle of the shepherd.

On December 16, 2011 the Lighting Ceremony was held in the church's front yard at 9:50 P.M. Senior Pastor Dr. Jaerock Lee gave a congratulatory message to all Manmin members of more than 9,000 branch and associative churches and viewing audiences who attended the ceremony via GCN TV and Internet. Christmas Eve Performance will be held during the second half of Friday All-night Service on December 23rd under the title of 'Merry Christmas'. The teams of the Performing Arts Committee and the choirs will devote themselves to the performance. The members will give 'Christmas Celebration Service' with Dr. Lee on December 25th. He will deliver the message entitled 'Jesus Christ' taken from Philippians 2:8.

In celebration of the meaningful day, Christmas Day, the church produced four Christmas cards of different designs that are to remind us of New Jerusalem. They will add joy and happiness to you. We hope that all of us who owe such great love to the Lord, will deliver His love to the neglected and become watchmen who spread the gospel of life in this dark world.




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Manmin News, Manmin, Manmin Church, Manmin Central Church, Jaerock Lee, Jaerock, drLee