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Campfire worship praise at Manmin Summer Retreat 2024
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The Heart of God Who Is Spirit Was Felt! 2012 Manmin Men's and Women's Missions' Summer Retreat with Overseas Members from 23 Countries

Manmin News   No. 300
August 26, 2012

The Manmin Men's and Women's Missions' Summer Retreat was held at Deogyusan Resort located in Muju, Jeonbuk Province. From August 6th and continuing for two nights and three days, church members learned the heart of God who is spirit and increased their faith through various programs.

The retreat was a global event with around 300 pastors and believers from 23 countries such as the USA, Germany, Switzerland, France, Kenya, Japan, China, and Taiwan as well as church members from Seoul, Daejeon, Busan, Gwangju, Gumi, Masan, Chuncheon, and Jeju. In particular, 50 hearing impaired believers from Thailand, Malaysia, and Faroe Islands participated in the retreat and caught the attention of many people.

In the seminar on the first day Mrs. Boknim Lee, President of Manmin Prayer Center, spoke about her secrets to achieving the heart of spirit under the title of "Making a Beautiful Heart" based on 2 Corinthians 2:14-16. She emphasized that in order to accomplish the heart of spirit we need longing, strong resolution, and effort to get rid of sin, evil, untruth, and darkness. She added that we should change ourselves with fervent prayers saying that patience is necessary in the process. Then, she led praise and prayer full of the Spirit.

After the seminar, there was time to experience wonders. Though the sky in the distance was covered with clouds, countless stars could be seen embroidered in the sky as the clouds had cleared away above the seminar venue. Everyone felt thankful for the love of God who allowed them to feel His love through shooting stars and dancing stars.

During the morning of the second day there was the Athletic Meet. The members showed great interest in it since it was the first Great Grand Parish match. The four teams – the 1st, 2nd, 3rd Great Grand Parishes, and Branch Churches' and Foreigners' United Team competed for gold medals.

The opening ceremony began with Dr. Jaerock Lee's recorded opening declaration and receiving of his prayer. Then the meeting started in earnest with the 'first ball' being kicked by Pastor Soojin Lee, the Consolidated Great Parish Pastor. There were ten different games: Fill-the-tower Ball Toss, 100m race, Long-distance Race, Group Jump-Rope, Spot-kick Shoot Out, Soccer, Volleyball, Air-ball Roll, Tug-of War, and Relay Race. The players competed for a total of 14 gold medals.

They played in exciting games and each team's passionate cheering added happiness to the event. The Championship Trophy went to the 2nd Great Grand Parish that had grabbed seven gold medals! Deacon Sunghee Kang and Deaconess Suhyang Cha of the 2nd Great Grand Parish were selected as the MVPs of the meet.

That evening Pastor Heejin Lee, President of Performing Arts Committee, preached the message entitled "Spirit" from John 4:24. She said that spirit is the heart of Father God. It is goodness and love itself. Pastor Lee explained that we can check how much spiritual heart we've achieved by seeing how much we understand our family, relatives, and coworkers with patience and checking how much we have God's heart, His goodness, and His love. After the message, the members repented and prayed to receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit.

The Camp Fire Worship & Praise with Pastor Heesun Lee, General Guidance Pastor of Men's and Women's Missions followed. They gave glory to God with praises full of hope for Heaven and a fireworks display added to a scene of overflowing emotion. All members not only from the Seoul Central Church but also from other areas in Korea and overseas countries were united as one in the love of God.

As Dr. Lee had prayed, members enjoyed cool weather at the Summer Retreat. This year too innumerable dragonflies sat on the members' faces, hands, and shoulders which let the members feel the presence and love of God. With overflowing thankfulness, joy, and hope for Heaven we give all thanks and glory to God who filled Manmin with grace and emotion at the Summer Retreat.

Athletic Meet

Experiencing of dragonflies

Camp Fire Worship & Praise




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Manmin News, Manmin, Manmin Church, Manmin Central Church, Jaerock Lee, Jaerock, drLee