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Taiwanese Church Leaders' Seminar - 85 pastors, ministers, and workers attend, vow revival -

Manmin News   No. 98
June 25, 2007

Theme: Experiencing the Holy Spirit
Taiwanese Church Leaders' Seminar
- 85 pastors, ministers, and workers attend, vow revival -

1. Church Leaders' Seminar 2. Meeting with Dr. Jaerock Lee

Presenting Plaque of Gratitude to Manmin

After receiving overflowing grace from Dr. Jaerock Lee's published works and ministry of God's power, 85 church leaders and workers from Taiwan visited Manmin Joong-ang Church May 22-28, 2007, in order to study the growth of Manmin.

May 23 & 25, 2007 / "The Message of the Cross" Seminar for Church Leaders

Rev. Dong-cho Sin, Associate Pastor at Manmin, led a series of seminars under the theme, "The Message of the Cross" through which he shared the testimony of Dr. Jaerock Lee, who had lived according to God's Word, as well as the secrets to church growth and revival. Rev. Shin also shared abundant grace with visitors from Taiwan his thorough lectures on "The Reason God Placed the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil" and "Why Is Jesus Our Only Savior?"
Rev. Pan Tsuewin, Senior Pastor at O Wang Presbyterian Church, remarked, "I was overwhelmed with grace upon learning about how Dr. Jaerock Lee received God's power and I expect this Seminar to play a turning point in the stagnant movement for the mission work in Taiwan."
Said Rev. Cha Shin Min, Senior Pastor at 'River of the Water of Life Church, "I am going to spread this grace I received here with my brothers and sisters back in Taiwan." Rev. Wang Ming Chung at Murhin Presbyterian Church expressed hope for a "regularly held, annual seminars" in the coming years.

May 24 – 25, 2007 / Visiting the Site of the Muan Sweet Water & Attending Friday All-night Service

On Thursday, May 24, the entourage from Taiwan visited the site of the Muan Sweet Water, where the bitter sea water was miraculously transformed into sweet, potable water by the prayer of Dr. Jaerock Lee in 2000 (Exodus 15:25). The visit was highlighted by the opening of spiritual eyes of numerous church leaders and workers and their experiencing of the spiritual world.
On the following day were a seminar on publication ministry and a meeting with members of "The Salt and Light Mission," composed of church members who work on Lord's Days. The group from Taiwan also attended the Friday All-night Service at which they had the firsthand experience of the power of the Holy Spirit and gave thunderous glory to God (Please refer to Page 3 for more information).

May 26, 2007 / Meeting with Dr. Jaerock Lee

Through a meeting with Dr. Jaerock Lee, the visitors from Taiwan were able to learn in detail the secrets to receiving God's power and vowed revival in their homeland.
Aside these activities, they also paid a visit to Manmin TV and Daejeon Manmin Church where they witnessed the sites of broadcasting ministry and revival, attended a variety of worship services and meetings, including "The Daniel Prayer Meeting."
Starting with the Seminar and the visit from Taiwan, fulfilled by the voluntary requests of pastors and ministers abroad, more guests and coworkers in Christ are expected to visit Manmin in the future.

1. Visit to Muan Sweet Water site 2. Welcoming Banquet

3. Visit to Manmin TV
4. Special Performance with traditional dances of Taiwanese aborigines

Visit to Muan Sweet Water site




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Manmin News, Manmin, Manmin Church, Manmin Central Church, Jaerock Lee, Jaerock, drLee