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Muan Sweet Water, the Love and Power of God_Just as bitter water at Marah changed into sweet water in the Bible

Manmin News   No. 380
March 30, 2014

Thousands years ago, freshwater fish and seawater fish lived together during the flood of Noah. The mysterious work in the Bible has re-occurred and can be seen at the Muan Sweet Water Aquarium. (First line, left—Dr. Jaerock Lee praying when the aquarium opened in 2007)

Manmin Central Church visitors have a must-see. It is the Muan Sweet Water Aquarium. Countless people visit here every year and witness a mysterious location where they can see seawater fish and freshwater fish co-existing in the same tanks.

A seawater fish and a freshwater fish survive in different-quality water because they can live only in the water with proper salt concentration. They also have different capabilities to react to a changing environment. Such conditions make it very hard for them to coexist in the same water. However, in the water tanks of Muan Sweet Water Aquarium there are seawater fish such as the threadfin butterfly fish, powder blue tang, bluering angel fish, and the French angelfish living together with freshwater fish such as gold barb, sailfin pleco, red spot severum, and silver shark.

Deacon Euitaek Kim, manager of Muan Sweet Water Management Committee stated, "Many marine experts and fish lovers came and were amazed by the management of the water and fish's conditions in the Muan Sweet Water Aquarium. They said it is a 'dream-like fish tank'. There are some fish whose farming is very hard, but the conditions of the fish are very good and they are active."

Their coexistence in such a great condition transcends human knowledge, but it is made possible because Muan Sweet Water contains the power of God.

Muan Sweet Water found its origins at Muan Manmin Church ministered to by Pastor Myungsool Kim in Muan-gun in Jeonnam Province, Korea. The site used to be an island surrounded on all sides by the sea. For years it caused major problems getting drinking water to the church. Remembering the biblical account of Marah recorded in Exodus 15:25, the church members prayed with faith.

Senior Pastor Dr. Jaerock Lee prayed about it on March 5, 2000. Through his space-and-time-transcending prayer, the salty sea water changed into drinkable water. Furthermore, when people use the water with faith, they have experienced healing works and received answers to prayer. As a result, many people keep revisiting the Muan Sweet Water Site.

Muan Sweet Water's safety and excellence were confirmed by U.S. Food & Drug Administration in 2007. The water abounds with minerals and contains three times more calcium than other famous spring waters with world-wide recognition. The additional water quality test was done by the US FDA in 2010, and the water gained the qualification to be exported to USA and in 2013 its trademark was registered in US Patent and Trademark Office.

On March 6 in 2014, 'Muan Sweet Water of Power' 14th Anniversary Event was held in Muan Manmin Church. Rev. Soojin Lee preached the message entitled "Blessed People" based on Matthew 13:16-17. Dr. Esther Chung gave a congratulatory message. The Celebration Performance followed. With MC Deaconess Joan Jang, the Crystal Singers and Sound of Light Chorus of the Performing Arts Committee of Manmin Central Church gave a variety of celebration performances. There were guests of note and distinguished guests such as Muan-gun Governor, Chuljoo Kim and Mr. Chansu Jeong, a member of Muan-gun Council and local residents who also attended.




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Manmin News, Manmin, Manmin Church, Manmin Central Church, Jaerock Lee, Jaerock, drLee