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Campfire worship praise at Manmin Summer Retreat 2024
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Manmin Summer Retreat Filled with Signs of Love_ Seminar, Sports Day, Camp Fire Worship & Praise Concert

Manmin News   No. 397
July 27, 2014

Manmin Summer Retreat 2014 is a week away. Manmin members are anticipating events worthy of note scheduled such as Dr. Jaerock Lee's Seminar, Camp Fire Praise & Worship Concert, and Sports Day.

The Retreat also features God-given optimal weather and remarkable wonders which need to be experienced. The members enjoy cool breeze and most favorable weather at the Summer Retreat venues whereas South Korea suffers in scorching heat nationwide in early August.

In 2013 especially, something unforgettable took place in Jumping Park in Muju Deogyusan Resort in Jeonbuk Province. During Manmin Summer Retreat 2013, around 7:30 P.M. on August 5th, a huge number of members from many parts of Korea and 22 countries were waiting for the Seminar to commence.

declared the opening, the sky became covered with black clouds and a few raindrops started to fall. It soon began raining during special performance and it turned to heavy rain, which soaked the members' clothing. But they were not shaken because they had experienced God's powerful works before. Dr. Jaerock Lee prayed to God saying, "Father God, give us good weather. Rain clouds, go away right now! Father, change them into clear clouds and let stars be seen. Rain, stop! May the light come!"

Soon the black clouds scattered and it stopped raining. In the sky where clouds had cleared away stars were made visible.

Moreover, cool wind dried the members' wet clothing and they had the seminar in the best condition ever. They imprinted in their hearts that God can do anything and answers every prayer of the shepherd.

The cumulonimbus cloud associated with rain showers and thunderstorms is a dense towering vertical cloud. Some are more than 42,000ft (13km). It is actually impossible to disperse such high rain clouds and stop it from raining. Only God the Creator can do it and it is a mightier work than causing the Red Sea to be parted.

The Red Sea was swept and parted by strong easterly winds all night and the water returned to its place after the Israelites crossed the sea. However, the rain clouds cleared away right after the prayer and didn't come together again until the end of the Sports Day held following day, which caused Manmin to enjoy cloudless good weather while competing in the sports games.

Since 2006, big swarms of dragonflies have descended from the sky every Manmin Summer Retreat. They land on the members' fingers and all over their bodies and eradicate harmful insects like mosquitos. Dragonflies have compound eyes enabling them to see in all directions. They can see movement of things at a distance of 121feet (37m), so they are notoriously hard to catch. But those appearing during Retreat come near the members and please them since they stream out through the spiritual realm by God's work.

Since its opening in 1982, Manmin Central Church's members have been experiencing powerful works by God's grace. More related stories are on page four.




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Manmin News, Manmin, Manmin Church, Manmin Central Church, Jaerock Lee, Jaerock, drLee