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Through GCN (Global Christian Network) the Holy Spirit's Works Cover Over 170 Countries, and Many Testimonies Are Overflowing

Manmin News   No. 544
June 4, 2017

A great number of GCN viewers in approximately 170 countries have been renewed by the holiness gospel and the powerful works. GCN (Global Christian Network, has produced and aired a variety of programs with Senior Pastor Dr. Jaerock Lee's sermons, his powerful ministry, and the performances rendered by Manmin Central Church's Performing Arts Committee.

In the North America, in the U.S. particularly, GCN is aired 24 hours via New York public TV No. 17, Glory Star satellite, ROKU, and Amazon Fire TV. In Asia, Africa, Europe, and Oceania, GCN is aired via NSS6, ABS2, and AsiaSat5. GCN airs its programs through public, satellite, and cable TVs in cooperation with more than 40 broadcasters. GCN also provides its programs for many broadcasters: TBN Russia and CNL TV in Russian-speaking countries; Holy God TV in Europe; Love World TV in the U.K.; Isaac TV in Pakistan; Enlace which is the leading Christian broadcaster in Latin America, JBN in Honduras, CH17 in El Salvador, and Christo Vision in Costa Rica.

Sister Christina Perez in New Jersey, USA, said, "I watch GCN on the public channel 17. I gain realization and peace in heart through Dr. Jaerock Lee's sermons." Sister Samira Tchiko in Chicago, USA watches GCN via the satellite, Glory Star. She said she waits for Dr. Lee's sermon program most all day. Many people long for the word of life and express their gratitude for the sermons.

Brother Carlos Gochez in El Salvador stated, "I watch GCN on Enlace TV. I was amazed at its remarkable programs, and the power and godliness deeply touched my heart." Brother Carlos Sarmiento said, "Dr. Lee's spiritual life has greatly influenced my life." Sister Virjinia Diaz received much grace from GCN programs on Enlace. She was guided to Colombia Manmin Church. Her daughter was healed of hip dysplasia when the mother received Dr. Lee's prayer.

Brother Anton Begu's family in Ukraine has become fans of GCN after watching its programs on TBN Russia. He said he had enjoyed financial blessing in his business since he realized and began to follow the will and love of God through Dr. Jaerock Lee's sermons. Additionally, many visitors to In Victory, a leading portal website for Russian-speaking Christians (, have sent requests for Dr. Lee's prayer by email and have experienced healing and answers.

Good News TV, which is the first Christian TV station in India, airs GCN's Worship and Praise program, in India and many other countries including those in the Middle East and Africa. A Hindu channel named Shubhsandesh TV broadcasts Dr. Lee's sermons through cable and satellite TV. From April 2017, GCN's programs started to be broadcast by Air Tell TV that is a household satellite TV station. Many viewers have sent enthusiastic responses, and many of them have been healed of their diseases through Dr. Lee's prayer for the sick after his sermon. Sister Kalpana Samaya was healed of depression; Sister Tara, of insomnia and Sister Shoba Shakar, of earaches.

Dr. Lee's sermons and GCN's various programs are broadcast 12 hours a day on Arulvakku GCN, India. President Abraham Vincent said, "Our viewers have received many kinds of blessings through Dr. Jaerock Lee's prayer for the sick. They have been set free from demon possession and healed of cancer, lung diseases, and stomach diseases. Even infertile couples came to have a baby."




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Manmin News, Manmin, Manmin Church, Manmin Central Church, Jaerock Lee, Jaerock, drLee