Love for God, the Lord, and the Souls In Manmin's Ministry
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June 24, 2018 |
"I believe that the plan of God for Manmin will be greatly achieved!"
Pastor Daniel Matiash, King of Glory Church, Haifa, Israel
In 2005, I learned about Dr. Jaerock Lee's ministry through the vision trip team from Manmin Central Church. When I watched the DVD titled "Power" that shows his ministry, I was amazed. I hoped to join in his ministry. In October, I visited the church's 23rd anniversary service, and in July 2006, I attended his New York United Crusade. I listened to his message full of life and witnessed powerful works that healed countless people.
In October 2006, Dr. Lee heard that people in Israel could not watch Christian TV channels because they did not have necessary satellite dishes and receivers. He offered financial support for us and 360 households came to watch them. I saw him unsparingly and joyfully giving everything for the gospel to be spread, and I felt his heart and love for souls.
On July 25, 2007, Dr. Lee's 3-year Israeli ministry began in Nazareth. He went through many areas of Israel and proclaimed Jesus Christ with powerful works. We, Israeli pastors, were inspired by him and organized Crystal Forum. We have been united to spread the gospel. He knew how hard it was to perform the ministry in Israel and for more than 10 years, he has helped us both spiritually and financially.
In late 2007, my wife was diagnosed with the third stage of breast cancer. She had surgery, but she was still in great pain with anticancer therapy. The hospital said it would take long for her to recover, but she was quickly healed since Dr. Lee prayed for her every time he visited Israel. She is still in good health.
In September 2009, Crystal Forum hosted Israel United Crusade with Dr. Lee as the speaker in International Convention Center in Jerusalem, the capital city of Israel. He proclaimed God is the Creator and Jesus Christ is our only Savior. Many people in attendance were healed of their diseases and received answers to their hearts' desires. Since then, the Messianic Jews' churches have been experiencing revival.
"God let me find the word of life and powerful works as an answer to my prayer!"
Bishop Yuri Konovalov, Skydoor Church, Ukraine
I was in great frustration after the ministry group that I had passionately worked for fell apart. I prayed to meet a true spiritual leader. About that time I learned about Manmin. In September 2009, I heard from the pastors of Crystal Forum that the Israel United Crusade would be held, and I attended. I listened to Dr. Jaerock Lee's message filled with life and witnessed powerful works manifested through him. I was sure that he was God's answer to my prayer.
In May 2017, I visited Manmin Central Church. The church was full of God's amazing works and the Holy Spirit. The members prayed every night in church and sincerely loved God and the Lord, which I totally admired. When I saw Dr. Lee up close, I felt his great love for souls. I am certain that the God of love let me find Manmin to console and bless people who were suffering both spirit and body in Ukraine. I hope that the holiness gospel will be spread all around Ukraine and bear great fruit. Hallelujah!
"I am leading a true believing life to meet and experience the Lord!"
Missionary Wong Ping Ping, Singapore Manmin Church
In 2007, I was working as a producer for Far East Broadcasting, Singapore. One day, my mother-in-law gave me Dr. Jaerock Lee's book The Measure of Faith. I was blessed so much reading it. I quickly devoured his books including his testimonial memoirs Tasting Eternal Life before Death and The Message of the Cross. I spread the gospel based on his message in my program.
In October 2007, I paid a visit to Manmin Central Church. Dr. Lee was very humble and gentle. When I looked around the beautiful church, I was sure that the church is my church that I would serve in the rest of my life.
In 2009, my son, Sheng En, had high fever for a long time when he was seven weeks old. The doctors doubted septicemia caused by urinary tract infection. His face turned pale and had jaundice. His belly was seriously swollen. However, we sent a prayer request to Dr. Lee and he was completely healed after Dr. Lee's prayer. Hallelujah!
Afterwards, I became Manmin's missionary, and in September 2012, I opened Singapore Manmin Church. Our members have met and experienced the living God through Dr. Lee's word of life and powerful prayer and they are living with hope for heaven.
New York United Crusade 2006
Israel United Crusade 2009
Manmin Central Church's Anniversary Event