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Pakistani Pastors' Seminar and Handkerchief Prayer Meeting 2018Full of the Word of Life and Powerful Works

Manmin News   No. 618
November 25, 2018

For three days beginning on October 23, Pastor Taesik Gil (Daejeon Manmin Church), President of Central Region Assembly led successful Pastors' Seminars and Handkerchief Prayer Meetings in Gujranwala, Lahore, and Sheikhupura.

Acts 19:11-12 records that as handkerchiefs or aprons were carried from Apostle Paul's body to the sick, the diseases left them and the evil spirits went out. When Pastor Gil prayed with the handkerchief on which Dr. Jaerock Lee had prayed, many extraordinary works happened and the gospel of the Lord was confirmed.

At noon on October 23, the first seminar was held for pastors and leaders in Gujranwala United Church (photo #7). Pastor Gil delivered messages on the providences embedded in the Lord's cross and His last seven words on the cross under the title of "The Providences of the Cross" (1 Peter 2:24). When he prayed for the sick with the handkerchief, Brother Solomon who was born deaf came to hear sound and speak (photo #3), and Brother Younis was healed of heart disease that he had suffered from for five years (photo #4).

Elder Abid Gill who had arranged this seminar said, "The message and powerful works impressed me a lot. A woman who had lain in bed for two months due to an accident, stood up after receiving the prayer! Seeing it, people increased in their faith" (photos #1, 2). Pastor Bahbu Shocut of St. Joseph Church stated, "The message was really awesome, and it was a necessary message for my church's revival."

On the morning of October 24, Pastor Gil met 13 bishops together with some eminent pastors and they discussed the future ministry in Pakistan. They said they wanted to use Dr. Jaerock Lee's books in their seminaries and continually learn the holiness gospel.

At 5 p.m., on the same day, Lahore Handkerchief Prayer Meeting was conducted in Lahore Full Gospel Assemblies stadium (photo #6) with approximately ten thousand people in attendance. Pastor Gil delivered the message entitled "Blessings Given for Walking in Light" based on 1 John 1:5. He said we can meet God and receive His blessing when we live by His Word because He is Light and the Light is the Word of God.

From 8:30 that evening he led another meeting in Sheikhupura. He preached a message under the title of "God the Healer" (Exodus 15:26) and prayed for the sick with the handkerchief of power (photo #8). Around 2,000 people attended, and many of them were set free from many diseases including poor eyesight and severe pain in legs. Brother Shiba stated, "I enjoy listening to Dr. Jaerock Lee's sermons on Isaac TV. My brother and his wife were suffering from infertility but came to have a baby after receiving Dr. Lee's prayer for the sick after the sermon."

The organizer of the meeting, Pastor Matti Karamat, said, "Thousands of people listen to Dr. Jaerock Lee's sermon on Isaac TV and receive healing and answers. Today also, many people were healed through the handkerchief prayer. People long to receive the prayer because they know that there is the power of God contained in the handkerchief on which Dr. Lee had prayed."

On October 25 the last seminar was held for pastors and leaders in Youhanabad, Lahore with about 250 people in attendance (photo #5). After the video "Power" that shows Dr. Lee's powerful works was presented, Pastor Gil preached about the importance of prayer and worship services and how to properly pray and offer up services grounded on Mark 9:29 and John 4:24. In the following question-and-answer session, he gave them clear answers to their questions based on the Bible and they glorified God with a big applause.

Pastor Gil then prayed for the sick with the handkerchief, and a number of people were healed of their diseases including heart diseases, lung diseases, and hepatitis C. A child who could not speak due to brain damage came to speak right after he received the prayer. Let's give all thanks and glory to the living God who allowed us to proclaim Jesus Christ with signs that follow the messages.




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