Home, Local, Branch Churches All Over the World
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July 21, 2019 |
Many people's lives are changed through the gospel all over the world. When they experience the works of the living God, home churches, local sanctuaries, and branch churches, and furthermore denominations are formed all over the world. "I listened to the 'Measure of Faith' sermons of Rev. Jaerock Lee on a Christian channel. I was deeply touched by the message for I haven't heard such a message anywhere else. Since then, I kept on listening to Rev. Lee's sermons on the Internet. I got assurance of salvation. Sometimes I listened to them all-night," says Hector Ayala (41, Male) from Honduras. He began to have worship services with other believers at each other's homes who loved to listen to Rev. Lee's sermons. And they experienced the power of God through Rev. Lee's prayers. They were healed of spinal pain and skin diseases. The number of believers was added and finally, they established a Manmin local sanctuary in San Pedro Sula in March 2018.
116 Associative Churches in Venezuela
Victor Giménez (45, Male) was also blessed by Rev. Jaerock Lee's sermons on the Internet including Message of the Cross, Heaven, and Hell. He delivered these messages to his acquaintances and finally, they opened a local sanctuary in Guayana city in March 2018. And then, 2 more local sanctuaries opened. They attend the Sunday worship services and Daniel Prayer Meeting every night on YouTube channel of Colombia Manmin Church. They also experience divine healing and their life problems getting resolved. Pastors' seminars and handkerchief crusades were held in various states of Venezuela with the speaker Pastor David Jang of Colombia Manmin Church. As a result, 116 churches registered as associative churches of Manmin. There are also many others who were blessed by Rev. Jaerock Lee's sermons on Enlace TV, the biggest Christian channel in Spanish speaking countries. They experienced God's power, accepted the Lord and live new lives. In Colombia, 4 local sanctuaries were set up in Sonso, Sogamoso, Palmira, and Bucaramanga. They also attend the Sunday worship service and prayer meetings through live-broadcast on YouTube channel of Colombia Manmin Church.
In Moldova, a home church started through believers who were blessed by Rev. Jaerock Lee's sermons. Their devotion and passion made it into a branch church. Recently, they were able to register their church in the denomination 'Manmin', an evangelical church union.
70 Home Churches in India
The number of home churches in India is on the rise, thanks to the believers who are blessed and healed by Rev. Jaerock Lee's sermons on GCNTV Hindi channel on YouTube. Hundreds of prayer requests, testimonies, and counseling calls are received every month in Delhi Manmin Church, ministered by Pastor John Kim. Rita (60, Female) is an elementary school principal. After getting involved in a traffic accident, she couldn't walk and was bed-ridden. However, she watched the Special Healing Session of April in Manmin Central Church on GCNTV Hindi channel. After that, she listened to all 24 sermons of the Message of the Cross and kept the Lord's Day. In the healing session of May, she was enabled to walk again. Many others works of the Holy Spirit are taking place, which led to starting of 70 home churches. We give all thanks and glory to the Lord who is leading countless souls to salvation through word of life and power of God in this end time that is filled with sins and evil.