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Overseas branch churches working hard in mission and relief even in COVID-19

Manmin News   No. 670
May 24, 2020

Overseas branch churches are focusing on expanding the kingdom of God despite the difficulties caused by COVID-19.
Colombia Manmin Church installed broadcasting equipment in the home of Pastor David Jang from March 20, when national self-quarantine began. Sunday service, Wednesday service, and Daniel Prayer Meeting are broadcast live through YouTube, and more than 150 connections are made from the United States, Mexico, Honduras, Peru, Chile, and Argentina.
In addition, they are conducting “Reading the Bible and Reciting Scriptures,” so that they can arm themselves with words of God during the self-quarantine period, which can be somewhat boring. They say, “I can pray with my family online,” “It is an opportunity evangelize my unbelieving family by attending worship services online.”
Kinshasa Manmin Church of the Democratic Republic of the Congo also conducts various worship services and prayer meetings online for the time being. It assists families who can’t afford on-line worship service by providing worship service leaflets and the word materials.
On April 18th, about 50 families in need of aid and love were provided rice, sugar, and soap.
Pastor Jin-beom Han said, “Our church members are waiting for the day when they will gather and worship together, as soon as the COVID-19 ends.”
Cebu Manmin Church in the Philippines, where the curfew was issued due to the COVDI-19, has begun home service from the end of March, and assisted its members to give personal prayer every morning and 8:00 pm.
In addition, some relief funds, canned food, and ramen were provided to the members.
The pastor Rosetta Sung asked for prayer, saying, “I’m sorry not to communicate with the members properly due to Internet problem.”
On the other hand, in India, where traveling and activities are restricted due to COVID-19, the church members worship online through the “GCNTV HINDI” (Youtube channel).
Delhi Manmin Church (Pastor John Kim) calls to church members and ‘GCNTV HINDI’ viewers. The converted members experienced wonderful works of God, such as healing of diseases when they received prayers, and they gave thanks and glory to the faithful God.




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Manmin News, Manmin, Manmin Church, Manmin Central Church, Jaerock Lee, Jaerock, drLee