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Campfire worship praise at Manmin Summer Retreat 2024
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Campfire worship praise at Manmin Summer Retreat 2024 ...

Unceasing works of the Holy Spirit, even at this moment!

Manmin News   No. 671
June 7, 2020

Rev. Myong-Ho Cheong

This week, our church sent audio sermons to the church members, and they attended the Sunday worship service at home with families or neighbors. We also sent the audio messages to the pastors of the branch and affiliate churches who joined the Kenya MIS (Manmin International Theological Seminary).

Hearing that the number of citizens and church members who are struggling economically due to Corona 19 is increasing, our church participates every week in the event for needy neighbors that is held by the local government offices in Umoza, which helps the church build good reputation and preach the gospel of holiness.

The pastors, church staff, leaders, and members volunteer to help neighbors and other members in need. When Tecla Nalima (42) knew that her neighbor had a chest pain but was refused any medical treatment because the neighbor couldn’t afford it, she paid for the treatment and provided food.

Her neighbor was very grateful to her, and apologized for speaking ill of Manmin church. The neighbor promised to go to Manmin Church after Corona crisis is over. Moreover, Tecla Nalima received from her brother double the amount of the treatment expense.

We give thanks and glory to God who causes all things to work together for good and we believe that we will overwhelmingly conquer by the one who loves.

“People come to the church after they experience the power of God.”

Pastor Sang-Whi Kim, Delhi, India

I testify that God’s amazing works keep taking place in the crisis of COVID-19.

Sister Alti (28) from Sharimar Gardens used to go to another church, but she is attending all the worship services of Manmin Central Church through YouTube ‘GCNTV HINDI’. The reason is that she has experienced the wholehearted work of God.

Last April when she suffered from thyroid fever and headache, a church worker visited her, and she watched the February Divine healing meeting on YouTube. At that time, she repented and received Pastor Soojin Lee’s prayer with the handkerchief of God’s power (Acts 19:11-12) on which Senior Pastor Jaerock Lee prayed.

Next morning, she found both fever and headache disappeared. She kept listening to Senior Pastor’s messages, and believed that if the Lord works, all problems will be solved.

Besides, she couldn’t properly eat food because of an ulcer on her neck, but after receiving Senior Pastor’s Prayer for the sick in Daniel Prayer Meeting, she was healed. She can now eat well.

Then she evangelized two sisters who come to church together now. All three of them are full of the Holy Spirit listening to Senior Pastor’s message every day. Hallelujah!

“We gather together online, and share the grace of the Lord.”

Missionary Batjerik (Mongolia)

We at Mongolian Manmin Church attend online worship services of Manmin Central Church at home, and have prayer meetings together every day.

Even the Mongolia members abroad are attending the online services thanks to the simultaneous interpretation provided by Manmin Central Church.

Since we had online worship services, we have managed our church members spiritually using SNS. Not only the members in Mongolia, but also the members abroad share the testimonies with each other. Through prayers, we are healed and our problems are solved. We experience the work of the Holy Spirit.

Let me tell you a few of them. Chechege (66) became debilitated by dyspnea. After repenting, he received Senior Pastor’s prayer for the sick on-screen, and he was healed.

Billurma (55) had his fingers cracked and bled. But he was immediately healed by applying Muan Sweet Water of God’s Power.

Amindar (4) was constipated for seven days, but she was healed after receiving the prayer of the handkerchief of God’s power (Acts 19:11-12). Sister Uriszin (17) was healed of her lung pain.

In the present situation, although we are far away, we give thanks and glory to God for blessing us to share Lord’s love with Manmin Church members online.




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Manmin News, Manmin, Manmin Church, Manmin Central Church, Jaerock Lee, Jaerock, drLee