[A letter from abroad] “We are seeking the Lord and praying all the more.”
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June?21, 2020 |
“We are seeking the Lord and praying all the more.”
Pastor Vladimir Osipov (St. Petersburg, Russia)
Not long ago, Russia has gone through a pandemic due to the rapid spread of the corona virus. Now it’s slightly reduced, and shops began to open carefully and people started going to work. We are praying that the corona problem will be quickly resolved and return to our daily routines.
I’m so thankful to the Lord that my church members did not lose their faith, but that they came to seek the Lord earnestly and pray more than before.
We have made prayer groups and we are praying for each other every day, and we have worship services and prayer meetings online every day except Saturday. As the number of those who attended online services is well over thousands, which is greater than the number of the church members, I found that Internet mission is very important. Many church members and visitors receive grace through the Word of God and prayer.
We thank God for giving us the grace to check our faith and love for the Lord even in the midst of difficulties.
“We are overcoming with prayers by God’s grace.”
Pastor Shlomy Abramov (Awaken Israel Church, Israel)
The Israeli government has maintained a strict containment policy since the outbreak of the virus, as in Korea, and the situation is better than before. Everything is slowly back to normal.
Not only we are focusing on prayer and worship online, but also communicating with the church members through social media and Zoom (online video conferencing platform) and praying with local pastors. Our ministry has been managed smoothly.
We visited the senior center, handed out blankets for free, and delivered shoes and bags to school. When we visited an institution, the nurses and caretakers came out to receive our aid. I saw tears flowing in their eyes. An orthodox Jewish school sent a touching thankyou-letter to us and Manmin, and the city contacted us for coopeartion.
We have distributed Dr. Jaerock Lee’s books to many people who are going to have hope. Many people live without hope and without knowledge of the Lord, but we pray everyday for them to come by faith in Christ. Manmin, we miss you a lot and love you.
“We pray for Senior Pastor and Manmin.”
Pastor Mark Basalev (World Holiness Center, USA)
Greetings in the name of the Lord. Florida, USA, is gradually getting out of the threat of corona virus. However, many shops and social activities are still limited.
A few weeks ago, we had the first service and Holy Communion at our center since the corona isolation. The church members who couldn’t attend the church worship service received much grace. Now most of the churches are conducting worship service under the government policy.
In April and May, we prayed for Rev. Jaerock Lee, Manmin Central Church, and corona crisis around the world on Wednesday, Friday and every Sunday. From June, the members will gather together to hold a prayer meeting. I communicate with the members on the phone and text messages every day, and have comfort and fellowship.
I always thank you for your love and prayer. We will always pray for Senior Pastor Dr. Jaerock Lee and Manmin.
“We are all safe in the Lord.”
Pastor Grigori Kolessov (Source of Truth Church, Estonia)
In the aftermath of the corona virus, Estonia has stopped all shops, social activities, schools, etc. People stay 2 meters away from each other, and wear a mask. Churches switch to online worship service because they couldn’t have any meetings.
What I’m thankful for is that it was not difficult to switch to online worship service because we’ve attended on-screen Manmin Central Church worship services. We continue the life and worship and prayer.
In addition, based on Dr. Jaerock Lee’s books of faith, the Bible program is being conducted through Skype. Moreover, I and church workers are giving spiritual visitation and comfort to the members by phone and text message.
We are all safe and protected in the Lord. Nobody is sick. Our only concern is the country-wide economic difficulties.
We sincerely give thanks to all the Manmin members who pray for us with love. Until the Lord comes, we will preach the gospel of holiness, hand in hand with Manmin. Hallelujah!