“My aunt miraculously survived right before death!”
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February 13, 2022 |
Rev. Arao Hanga Mukumbi (Age 53, Angola Manmin Church)
On December 14, 2021, I received an urgent call from my cousin. He said that my aunt (Alice Ndandu, Age 79), who had been ill since early December, was hospitalized. I asked my cousin to let me talk to the doctor. The doctor told me that the memory part of my aunt’s brain and medulla oblongata in the lower part of her brain were severely damaged, where a lot of nerve tissue is gathered and it is responsible for many functions such as heartbeat, breathing, and body temperature regulation. Her body already started to decay, and if her gut bacteria grew rapidly, she could die in 72 hours. My aunt raised me like her own son from elementary school to high school, so I was afraid of losing my aunt I love. I paid for her hospitalization and treatment to begin her treatment quickly, by the help of my daughter living in the United States. Doctors tried a variety of treatments in the intensive care unit. But her condition did not get better, and a rancid fluid leaded from her body and began to wet her clothes and bed sheets.
I am volunteering to translate Manmin News, the mission paper of Manmin Central Church, into Portuguese. I was also translating the Manmin News(No. 113) that day. However, the testimony of Deaconess Hyangsook Kang that the red pepper trees grew more than 2 meters and a lot of red peppers were borne, resulting in a great harvest, through the recorded prayer of Dr. Jaerock Lee, captured my heart. I immediately stopped translating. It was because I thought, ‘If I let my aunt hear the prayer of a man of God, even though she is on the threshold of death, she will surely come back to life.’ I knelt down and prayed for repentance, preparing for my aunt to receive the prayer of a man of God. I played the video of Dr. Jaerock Lee’s prayer for the sick on the computer, and put my aunt’s picture in front of the computer. Then, looking into the eyes of Dr. Lee, I received his prayers repeatedly. I called my cousin at the hospital, and told him to put his cellphone to my aunt’s ear so that she could receive the prayer I was playing repeatedly. Three days later, something amazing happened. My aunt’s body began to move, and she regained consciousness, and was able to open her eyes and speak in a low voice. Hallelujah! My cousin was so happy that he called me and told me the news. I said she should continue to receive Dr. Lee’s prayer for the sick until she would be fully healed.
The next day, December 18, I was on the phone with her doctor. He told me, “Pastor, your aunt is awake. Her condition is improving and her memory has been restored. Your pastor is truly a man of God!” Hallelujah!
I asked the doctor if I could talk to my aunt, and he said yes. I was so happy to hear my aunt’s voice. I asked her, “Do you know me?” and my aunt replied, “Yes, my son. You are my nephew Arao.” Then she said, “I woke up from a deep and peaceful sleep. I heard a gentle voice of a man from afar, telling me to get up, over and over again. After that, my soul returned to my body.” I shouted “Hallelujah!” in a low voice. That day, she was discharged from the hospital, and now she eats and walks by herself, and she’s recovering.
I thank the Lord for healing my aunt, and I give all thanks and glory to God the Father, who saved my aunt through the prayer of Dr. Jaerock Lee, a man of God. I would also like to thank Deaconess Hyangsook Kang, who gave her testimony through Manmin News. I was able to receive an answer by following her testimony. Hallelujah!