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Dr. Jaerock Lee’s Swahili books presented to Nairobi Manmin Church

Manmin News   No. 756
December 17, 2023

A religious publisher Urim Books paid a visit to Nairobi Manmin Church in Kenya and presented Dr. Jaerock Lee’s Swahili books in celebration of the church’s 23rd anniversary.

On November 10, the Friday all-night service of Nairobi Manmin Church was attended by a lot of pastors from various countries of Africa and after the service, Elder Johnny Kim, Representative of Urim Books gave the books to them, saying, “I hope these Swahili books will cause African believers to grow in faith and be translated into other languages in many countries in East Africa.”

The 10 books include The Message of the Cross, The Measure of Faith, Heaven I, Spirit Soul and Body I, Love: Fulfillment of the Law, Against Such Things There is No Law, A Man Who Pursues True Blessing, Keep Watching and Praying, God the Healer and Power.

Nairobi Manmin Church built a new library and displayed the books therein to help believers grow in spirit and for Swahili book ministry. Swahili is the official language of southeastern Africa including Kenya and Tanzania. It is also used as a trading language in Uganda, Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda, Burundi, Malawi and Madagascar.

Urim Books is planning to publish the same Swahili books in the audio form to expand the book ministry in Africa.




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Manmin News, Manmin, Manmin Church, Manmin Central Church, Jaerock Lee, Jaerock, drLee