Campfire worship praise at Manmin Summer Retreat 2024
The 1st International Christian Medical Conference
Manmin News
August 05, 2004
Medical doctors and people from many countries including Russia, India, and China attended the 12th Revival Meeting and discussed the Global Medical Doctors' Network. The Christian Medical Doctors had the 1st International Christian Medical Conference in the conference room of college of Medicine of Yonsei University on May 15. The conference was held under the tile of 'Spirituality and Medicine" and proclaimed the powerful works of God with medical data. Many Christian doctors from different hospitals accepted the work of the power of God and agreed to testify these works of God through medical investigation. Dr. Vera, who is a famous pediatrician and pediatrics professor in Russia, not only attended the medical conference, but after attending the revival meeting, she also lectured on "Sound Sexual Life and Natural Contraception" on May 18, 2004.