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The 26th Church Anniversary and the 3rd GCN Anniversary

Manmin News   No. 130
November 2, 2008

The worship service and celebration

In the midst of great power of God and the works of the Holy Spirit that have confirmed the gospel of sanctification, Manmin Central Church celebrated its 26th anniversary. This 26th anniversary was celebrated on October 12, with many honored guests from more than 30 nations, and many neighbors and church members.
This celebration was kicked off with the video presentation titled with "Glory" handling the history of Mnamin Central Church at the 2nd part of Friday All-night service, on October 10. Two days later on Sunday October 12, following the Sunday Morning Service, the church held a variety of festival titled with "Manmin's Joy in New Jerusalem" outdoors. The commemorating photo site and nine kinds of tasty food were prepared and all the people had a happy time there. At 3 pm that same day the 26th church anniversary and the 3rd GCN anniversary celebration was held with the special performance.

At the 1st part of the celebration Senior Pastor Dr. Jaerock Lee delivered the message entitled with "Good children," at the 2nd part GCN's 3rd anniversary ceremony was held and at the 3rd part special performance entitled with "Glory" followed. 400 singers, dancers and performers were cast for this performance and 100 professional staff participated in its preparation. This special performance was presented at the two different places – at the main sanctuary and at the church yard – simultaneously. All the performers who belong to the Performing Arts Committee of Manmin Central Church prepared for various songs, dances and performances based on their many experiences and displayed the possibility of enlarging the kingdom of God to the whole world through a high quality of Christian culture.

This anniversary was attended by many honored guests from 30 nations including pastors, political leaders, journalists, missionaries, broadcasters, and medical doctors, and broadcast live on GCN and Manmin TV through the satellites and on the Internet.

Significance of World Mission Embedded in the 26th Church Anniversary

This 26th church anniversary had a great significance in having laid the foundation of world mission through its powerful ministry. At the peak of its domestic growth Manmin Central Church started its overseas ministry beginning with the Washington DC Evangelization Crusade held in 1993, followed by the Hawaii United Crusade for the Korean Churches and the Argentina Blessing Crusade for the Korean Churches in 1996. In addition, since the year of 2000, it has held 12 more overseas crusades in full scale in Uganda, Japan, Pakistan, Kenya, the Philippines, Honduras, India, Russia, Germany, and Peru. Through these 12 crusades, it has covered the earth with the glory of God and led countless souls to the path to salvation. And according to the Great Commission of Jesus Christ recorded in Acts 1:8, "You shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth," its Senior Pastor and his company has traveled Israel, the nation of the Orthodox Judaism 7 times to spread the gospel of the Lord and laid the foundation of Israeli mission.

Domestic Ministry and National Evangelization

In July 1991, Senior Pastor Dr. Jaerock Lee established the United Holiness Church of Jesus Christ in the providence of God and has taken the lead in national evangelization as the Preparation President of 1992 World Explosion Crusade with the Holy Spirit, Permanent President of the World Christian Revival Mission Association, and Preparation President of the Jubilee Crusade for the Reunification of South and North. His sermon was broadcast on the Far East Broadcasting Center, the Asia Christian Broadcasting Station, and the Christian Broadcasting Station in Korea, and a few more stations in overseas countries. His sermon was broadcast 900 minutes in total a week, which was recorded as the longest hours' sermon broadcasting. In this way he has greatly contributed to the national evangelization.
In particular, through 12 Two-week Special Revival Meetings held from 1993 until 2004, the church members grew up in spirit, many sick people were healed, and so many souls gained salvation.

Unceasing Ministry of Manmin

God has blessed Manmin Central Church in various aspects and spread the gospel of sanctification and the power of God to the whole world rapidly through the church until this 26th church anniversary. Now is the time when all the children who love God and have the true faith should press on toward the final goal of the providence of God preplanned for the end time of the age, and we really give thanks and glory to God who has let us overcome various afflictions and trials for the last 26 years and empowered the church to accomplish the providence of God completely in His grace. Our mighty race of faith will never stop until the Lord comes back.




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Manmin News, Manmin, Manmin Church, Manmin Central Church, Jaerock Lee, Jaerock, drLee