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The Gospel of Sanctification Rings over the Philippines Pastors & Church Leaders' Seminar Held With Rev. Mikyoung Lee

Manmin News   No. 141
March 29, 2009

The Philippines, a Catholic Nation

The Philippines is an island country that consists of 7000 different islands. Eighty percent of the people are Roman Catholic because the country had been under the rule of Spain for centuries.
Their national language is a language based on Tagalog and the country is one of the nations where English is used by many people. Many students from Korea, Japan, China, and from Southeast Asian countries visit this country to learn English. There are many Christian ministries in this nation because there is no hostility against Christianity in this catholic nation.

The Ministry of Manmin in the Philippines

The beginning of the ministry of Manmin in the Philippines dates back to September, 2001. From that time on Manmin ministry in the Philippines has spread through a variety of fields.
Even after the 2001 United Healing Crusade, many pastors in the Philippines wanted to continue listening to the Holiness Gospel. The branch churches of Manmin have been accomplishing that goal and strengthened the ministry.
The handkerchief meetings held in the two cities of Pangasinan and Batangas have given strength to the ministry in the Philippines. Beginning in October of 2005, the programs of GCN-MANMIN TV have been broadcast through Cable TV in most areas of the Philippines.
In May of 2006, Manmin TV Co. Ltd., an affiliate of Manmin Central Church, spearheaded the mission in the Philippines by participating in the conferences hosted by the FICAP (Federation of the International Cable TV Association of the Philippines). In June of the same year, the 3rd International Christian Medical Conference by WCDN was held in the city of Cebu, and this Conference awakened many medical doctors from their spiritual slumber.

Approximately 3,800 Pastors and Church Leaders Attended

Recently Filipinos' concerns and interest in the gospel of sanctification and works of power have grown even greater.
Bishop Romeo Corpuz, Chairman of ACGN (All Creation Global Network) responded by asking Rev. Mikyoung Lee to speak at the Pastors and Church Leaders' Seminar. The seminar was held at the Palacio de Manila and the Cantimbuhan Hall of Dasmarinas on the 26th through the 28th of February this year and around 3,800 pastors and church leaders attended.
The speaker Rev. Mikyoung Lee said that the power of God is necessary to spread the gospel and to grow in our faith during these times that are filled with sin and evil. And in each seminar she preached the message for 8 hours under the title "How to Receive God's Power" and explained about the qualifications to receive power, the secrets to receiving power and God's powerful works taking place even today.
After the seminar, over 60 churches joined as Manmin branch churches and 550 churches as associative churches and 1,040 pastors enrolled in Manmin International Seminary.
One of the daily newspapers, the Manila Bulletin, covered the news about this seminar. Reverend Lee received a Plaque of Recognition from the mayor of Dasmarinas and the Representative of Second District of Cavite.

Manila Pastors and Church Leaders' Seminar (Palacio de Manila)




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Manmin News, Manmin, Manmin Church, Manmin Central Church, Jaerock Lee, Jaerock, drLee