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Manmin News   No. 142
April 12, 2009

Evangelism Is a Most Beautiful Thing!

Evangelism to lead souls that are more valuable than the whole universe into heaven is the most beautiful and the best of works. Jesus also put a lot of emphasis on evangelism and He showed us a good example during His ministry.
From March 22 to May 31, 2009, Manmin Central Church is hosting the church-wide evangelism campaign and contest for 71 days, and will award the prizes to each individual, each mission and parish that wins the first places in the contest.
God wants everyone to be saved and the Lord has given us the Great Commission, and evangelism is the very way to accomplish the will of God and the Lord. It is a must for all Christians to spread the love of God who saved and changed us and the Lord who took the cross to redeem us from our sins.
Evangelism requires us to have love for the Lord and mercy. We have obligation to spread the grace we freely received from God. To effectively evangelize people of different backgrounds and jobs we have to consider their different situations. You must exercise care so that you do not cause others to feel uncomfortable and not to cause them to react negatively toward Christianity by projecting the attitude of forcing them to believe. We should practice the love of Lord in our lives and give our testimonies to others through the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Then God will allow us to bear beautiful fruit in evangelism.

In the 1 Corinthians 9:16, the Apostle Paul said, "For if I preach the gospel, I have nothing to boast of, for I am under compulsion; for woe is me if I do not preach the gospel."

As he confessed, we wish for you to try your best to spread the gospel in order to quench the thirst of the Lord and to lead as many people into righteousness so that you will shine brightly like the stars in heaven (Daniel 12:3).

2009 All-Member Evangelism Campaign
From March 22nd to May 31st (71 days)




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Manmin News, Manmin, Manmin Church, Manmin Central Church, Jaerock Lee, Jaerock, drLee