Power Belongs to God
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May 06, 2018 |
"Once God has spoken; twice I have heard this: that power belongs to God" (Psalm 62:11).
Dr. Jaerock Lee,
Senior Pastor of Manmin Central Church
Chairman, The United Holiness Church of Jesus Christ
Permanent President, The World Christianity Revival Mission Association
Founder & Board Chairman, Global Christian Network
Founder & Board Chairman, World Christian Doctors Network
Founder & Board Chairman, Manmin International Seminary
Founder & Board Chairman, The Alliance Holiness Theological Seminary
Doctorate of Ministry, and Honorary Doctorate of Divinity
His sermons were broadcast by the Far East Broadcasting Company and the Asia Broadcast Station
His Christian columns appear on The JoongAng Daily, The Dong-A Ilbo, The Seoul Shinmun, The Hankyoreh Shinmun, The Korea Economic Daily, The Shisa News, and The Christian Press. He conducted crusades in New York City, Washington, Baltimore, Maryland, Los Angeles, and Hawaii of the USA; Japan; India; Pakistan; the Philippines; Argentina; Honduras; Peru; Russia; Germany; Kenya; Tanzania; Uganda; the Democratic Republic of the Congo; Jerusalem of Israel; and Estonia.
When God shows a powerful work, the fruit is always of goodness; it leads souls to salvation and it glorifies God. Satan never emulates the manifestation of God's power which controls the life, death, fortune, and misfortune of all men and that is able to create things from nothing, no matter how hard it tries to tempt people to stand against God. Let's now delve into the power that belongs to God and how we can discern it.
1. Proof of the power that belongs to God
Power refers to the purposed, dignified, and glorious power of God. By power God can do things that men cannot do and there is nothing impossible for Him. That is why one who has received this power from God is able to manifest signs, wonders, extraordinary and marvelous works according to the level of power given to him.
1) A sign: the manifestation of God's power Signs refer to the cases in which God's power is manifested transcending the limits of man. The examples of signs are as follows: the blind are given sight; the mute come to speak; the deaf to hear; and the lame to walk. It includes a shorter leg being lengthened to match the other and aftereffects of polio and cerebral palsy becoming normal.
To manifest such signs, one must receive the power to affect such miracles. It is different from the gift of healing. The gift of healing is the healing of bacterial or viral diseases which can be medically cured like cancers and lung diseases. But this effecting of miracles refers to healing people who cannot be treated with human ability and medical science. They are cured only by the power of God.
Suppose a person was diagnosed with late-stage of cancer and told that he would not have many days to live. He or his family, must cling to God with love, thoroughly repent, and destroy the walls of sin. They should also show such faith as is pleasing to God. Then the healing work can happen by the hand of a person who performs God's power.
This effecting of miracles is sometimes given as a gift or happens through the power of spiritual love and a righteous man's prayer. But the perfected case of the effecting of miracles is when one receives the power from God by casting off every form of evil, being sanctified and praying fervently. It is the kind of effecting of miracles performed with sincere heart, and this effecting of miracles at the level of God's power can be consistently used to glorify Him until the Lord comes back.
2) Wonders: control of aerial/meteorological phenomena A 'wonder' refers to God the Creator's work controlling aerial/meteorological phenomena. It includes moving heavenly bodies including stars in the space and controlling meteorological phenomena such as snow, rain, wind, clouds, temperature, and atmospheric pressure.
When Samuel prayed, God sent thunder and rain (1 Samuel 12:18). Isaiah the prophet cried to God, and He brought the shadow on the stairway back ten steps (2 Kings 20:11). When Elijah prayed, there was no rain for three and a half years, and when he prayed again, it rained (1 Kings 17-18; James 5:17-18). Here, moving the sun, the moon, or stars goes beyond the natural law. It can be done only under the appropriate conditions and moment. Thus, no matter how great the power one may have, a person must not stop the sun or the moon by his own desire. If he has such great power, he must be a person who understands God's heart and will. So, he would never try to manifest such power arbitrarily.
3) Extraordinary miracles and remarkable things
In the Bible, extraordinary miracles appear in Acts 19:11-12. It reads, "God was performing extraordinary miracles by the hands of Paul, so that handkerchiefs or aprons were even carried from his body to the sick, and the diseases left them and the evil spirits went out." The examples of remarkable things are the Ten Plagues that fell upon Egypt through Moses and the healing of a paralytic man (Luke 5:17-26). These extraordinary miracles and remarkable things can be manifested in various forms and ways through the power of God.
In our church, many people have been healed of various diseases. Those who could not walk came to walk and jump; evil spirits went out, and people recovered eyesight and hearing ability through the prayer of handkerchief. Through such amazing works, countless people have accepted the Lord, and glorified the living God (Relevant testimonies on pages 1 and 4).
2. The evidences that power belongs to God
1) The power of God controls life and death of men. Life, death, fortune, and misfortune are in the control of God. Thus, if one revives another from the dead, it is definitely a work of God. Elijah brought the son of a woman in Zarephath back to life (1 Kings 17:17-24). Elisha revived the son of Shunammite woman (2 Kings 4:32-37). When Apostle Peter said, "Tabitha, arise," although she had been dead, she opened her eyes, and she saw him and sat up (Acts 9:40). Apostle Paul revived Eutychus who fell down from the third floor and died (Acts 20:9-12). When Lazarus had been dead four days, Jesus cried out before his tomb, "Lazarus, come forth." Then, the man who had died came forth, bound hand and foot with wrappings (John 11:43-44).
Upon Peter's curse, Ananias and Sapphira died (Acts 5:1-11), a fig tree that bore no fruit withered at Jesus' word (Matthew 21:19). At Elisha's curse, 42 young lads were mauled by two female bears (2 Kings 2:23-24). If one with the power of God curses somebody, the curse falls upon the person as it is. These powerful works related to life and death can be manifested only through God's power.
2) The power of God is capable of reviving dead cells and nerves. More specifically speaking of the power of God that controls life and death, it also revives dead nerves and cells.
In John 9, Jesus opened the eyes of a man born blind. He restored vision to the eyes of several blind people and hearing to the ears of those who were deaf. Such works were never performed by men of God or Jesus' disciples in the Old Testament and the New Testament times. It was only Jesus who performed such power.
Senior Deaconess Eundeuk Kim, who passed away at the age of 92, accidentally had boiling water from a big caldron poured over her body. She was scalded with third-degree burns, and it was impossible for her to be medically treated and had virtually no chance of surviving it. But she received my prayer, and the latent heat was gone. She received my prayer every day and skin was restored and blood vessels were newly formed. The cells that were completely dead became scabs covering her body like the bark of a tree, and on the parts where the scabs fell off, new flesh developed. This process repeated several times, and her body that had been impossible to be restored, was completely healed just within three months. The God of love restored her skin like that of normal people without any scars.
3) The power of God brings about the work of creation.
As God created heavens, the earth, and all things in them by His Word, the work of creation can happen by the words of those who receive God's power. The work of creation includes the cases like new bones or organs being created and shortened limbs being lengthened. Such works being created from nothing are examples of this power.
In 1 Kings 17:8-16, the widow in Zarephath who provided food for Elijah received the blessing that 'the bowl of flour was not exhausted and the jar of oil did not become empty'; when Elisha blessed, all vessels were filled with oil (2 Kings 4:1-7); and Jesus performed the miracle of five loaves of bread and two fish (Matthew 14:15-21). These works of creation happened just by words. In the same manner, Jesus' healing a centurion's servant only with His word is included in this work of creation by words transcending space and time (Matthew 8:5-13).
3. Those who perform this power proves the power comes from God
If one manifests works of creation controlling life and death and doing things that only God the Creator can do, it proves he is a man of God. In the Bible, people who had good hearts and became sanctified performed this power of God.
The examples of such people include Moses, who was very humble, more than any man on the face of the earth and he was faithful in all God's household; his successor, Joshua; Elijah, who was taken up alive to heaven, and his disciple Elisha; Deacon Stephen, who showed the highest level of goodness by praying with love for those who were stoning him, and Apostle Paul.
God does not hear sinners; but if anyone is God-fearing and does His will, He hears him. (John 9:31; Psalm 66:18). If we have a wall of sins before God, however, we cannot have confidence before God and cannot receive answers to our heart's desire from God. Moreover, if a person who received the power made walls of sins against God, he would not be able to confidently ask before God and God would not answer his prayer.
If one performs with this power that belongs to God, it affirms that he is of God and God acknowledges him.
If you see powerful works that can't be done by human capacity, you should realize the works are those of God and the proof of God's presence. Therefore, when you see someone perform the power of God, you should believe him because of the powerful works he has done. And even if you can't believe him, believe the works he performs (John 14:11).
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, power belongs to God, and there have been so many manifestations of power in this church for the last 36 years and the glorification of God through them. With those works, we have proclaimed God the Creator and delivered the gospel of Jesus Christ and the works of the Holy Spirit to the end of the earth.
I pray in the name of the Lord that powerful works will be manifested through you who become sanctified and long for those works.
India United Crusade 2002 with 3 million people in total in attendance
People were testifying to their healing in India United Crusade
Israel United Crusade 2009