God Clothes the Grass of the Field
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August 03, 2008 |
"Look at the birds of the air ... Do not worry then, saying, 'What will we eat?' or 'What will we drink?' or 'What will we wear for clothing?' For the Gentiles eagerly seek all these things; for your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you" (Matthew 6:26-33).
Not many people in this world lead their lives free from anxiety, concerns, and worrying. Yet, in God people can always rejoice, give thanks, and be glad despite whatever problems they face. This is because God who clothes the grass of the field is their Father. Let us examine the peaceful life that is worth pursuing and how we can go about attaining it.
Areas in Life We Cannot Control
Most people have things for which they hope. Just because they so hope, however, it does not necessarily mean all their hopes will be realized. Fruition of any hopes must be accompanied by effort and even effort does not guarantee the fruition of hopes. Our Lord asks us rhetorically, "And who of you by being worried can add a single hour to his life?" If worrying resolved a variety of problems in life, why would God have not told us to worry? God who knows all that we need in our lives wants us to live in peace without anxiety, concerns, and worrying. Resolution of problems is achieved not by worrying but by wholly committing everything before God, and only then can we enjoy true rest and receive from Him desires of our heart. Life cannot be extended by a single hour by the might of man but to the almighty God, nothing is impossible. He can provide His children with everything and anything they need without restraint. For that reason, He assures us in Matthew 6:25, "Do not be worried about your life, as to what you will eat or what you will drink; nor for your body, as to what you will put on." The birds of the air do not sow, reap, or gather into barns but as God feeds and nurtures them, they roam the skies freely. The lilies of the field do not toil or spin but as God allows them to grow, they grow beautifully. Now, what would prevent God from clothing, feeding, and nurturing man who is worth inexplicably more than the birds of the air or the lilies of the field?
All the Work Done under the Sun is in Vain
Solomon was a great King of Israel who ruled from 970 to 930 B.C.; as his predecessor David had prepared a solid foundation for the unified Israel's politics, economy, and military, Solomon could rule the country in stability. As 1 King 10:23 tells us, "So King Solomon became greater than all the kings of the earth in riches and in wisdom," we know how great the glory was that Solomon enjoyed. At Solomon's court, it is said that every vessel was made of gold so they did not deem silver important, and cedar, which would otherwise be considered precious, was used as commonly as sycamore trees in the vale. When the queen of Sheba, who had come to visit with Solomon after hearing news about him, "perceived all the wisdom of Solomon, the house that he had built, the food of his table, the seating of his servants, the attendance of his waiters and their attire, his cupbearers, and his stairway by which he went up to the house of the LORD," 2 Kings tells us that "there was no more spirit in her" (10:4-5). In God's eyes, however, even such glory of Solomon could not be compared to the grass of the field. In everyday life, people toil in order to make ends meet, to glorify themselves, and to gain and attain all that they desire. Yet, as the flowers in the field bloom naturally without having to toil, this is why we can say King Solomon's glory cannot be compared to that flower. For this reason, King Solomon, who seemingly enjoyed all sorts of wealth and prosperity, asks rhetorically in Ecclesiastes 1:3, "What advantage does man have in all his work which he does under the sun?" This was to serve as a reminder from a king who realized that everything was in vain and that only the worshipping of God and keeping of His commandments are what apply to every person. Therefore, it is vital for us to clearly realize what it is that we are to seek in this life through all the toils therein. In order to lead a truly worthwhile life, we must pursue something that will never perish, is true, and is eternal.
Faith: Seeking First His Kingdom and His Righteousness
In Matthew 6:33, Jesus tells us, "Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you." As God already knows everything we need in life, He tells us to seek first His kingdom and His righteousness before seeking the things that we need. Here, "seeking His kingdom" refers to the seeking of the salvation of souls. It refers to the accomplishing of God's kingdom by preaching the Gospel to the unbelievers and leading them to become His children. We are to become witnesses of our Lord and spread the Gospel not only to our siblings, parents, and relatives but also to our coworkers, superiors, and employees, and pray fervently for our country, countrymen, and for the evangelization of the world. As God's kingdom would prosper when more people receive salvation, we must be spiritually awake, devote ourselves to prayer, and spread the Gospel in season and out of season. What does it mean to "seek God's righteousness"? God's righteousness refers to the process in which one takes after the Lord. In 1 Peter 1:16b, God tells us, "YOU SHALL BE HOLY, FOR I AM HOLY," while in Matthew 5:48 we find Jesus telling us, "Therefore you are to be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect." Therefore, "seeking God's righteousness" refers to praying to become a righteous person living by God's Word. When one accepts Jesus Christ and becomes a child of God, he receives the Holy Spirit as a divine gift and will hear and come to understand God's Word. He will learn about sin and the Judgment, and become an individual abiding by God's Word as he is guided by the Holy Spirit. Walking in the light and taking after God's holiness are the act of accomplishing God's righteousness. When an individual so seeks God's righteousness, his spirit will prosper and be in good health, just as his soul prospers. Some brothers or sisters may say, "I have been carrying out a variety of God-given duties. I would like to take some time off to devote myself to prayer in order to become sanctified." Such people are essentially not seeking God's kingdom but only His righteousness, but God will not be pleased with this. God desires people to seek His kingdom and righteousness side by side. When people faithfully and diligently devote themselves to the salvation of souls, He will pour upon them strength and power from above and bless His righteousness to be achieved and His kingdom accomplished marvelously through them. Why, then, are some people still anxious, concerned, and worried even when God has specifically promised them, "Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you"? This is because of their little faith. As they are unable to believe in the almighty God and doubt nonetheless, they are left to be anxious, concerned, and worried. However, as people who live by God's Word seek first God's kingdom and His righteousness and He is in charge of basic necessities of life and all the other problems in life, there is no reason for them to be worried.
Dear brother and sisters in Christ, by first seeking God's kingdom and righteousness and by becoming a righteous man and woman of faith, may each of you strive to save souls and receive the blessing of having your spirit be prosperous and in good health, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ I pray!