The Healing of Deafness Is Happening
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February 28, 2010 |
The number of people who have hearing disabilities including deafness, tinnitus, and otitis media, is increasing because of the noise in their lives or accidents. Once our hearing is damaged, it is hard to recover; so we have to take good care of our ears. While the powerful works of God are being manifested through Dr. Jaerock Lee more greatly and quickly, some affected members received healing even during the service and many miracles have taken place. The following are the cases of the recovery of hearing by the power of God.
"In the Middle of the Service, I Began to Hear the Sermons Clearly"
Sister Myung-yup Ryu (1st Parish, Light and Salt Mission)
While working in a textile factory in 1990s, I felt my ears ringing because of the deafening noise from the machines. Beginning one day, some sticky water-like substance came out from my ear and it later turned into a seepage of bloody pus. Even though I couldn't even hear what people who were right next to me said, I had to endure to earn a living. At last, I left the workplace and started working at a department store. But still, I had problems talking with customers. When I visited the otolaryngology in 2007, the doctor recommended that I wear a hearing aid. Even though I desperately wanted to hear, I hesitated and didn't wear it because of appearance. But I had to face many difficulties while working. When I looked at the customer's lips during the conversation, cold sweats broke out on my back. I became afraid of even answering the phone. To make matters worse, I had tinnitus for the past 2 years and couldn't sleep well at night because of buzzing sound in the ears. Each day was pain after pain. I was heading toward the world neglecting my Christian life. I only went to church on Sunday and did not pay the tithe. I wanted to fill the void in my heart watching TV programs. Since I also had arthritis in my knees, there was nothing else I could do but quit working. After I was visited by the Guidance Pastor of Light and Salt Mission on November 1, 2009, I repented of my unfaithful Christian life and then came to Senior Pastor and received his prayer. From the following day, I started attending the Two Consecutive Special Daniel Prayer Meetings and the Divine Healing Meeting (Manmin Prayer Center) every day, and I thoroughly repented of the past wrongdoings with tears. As I tried to live by the word of God and attended the worship services, God finally healed me of the arthritis in my knees. I continued to experience the love of God. On last January 31, during the Sunday Morning Service, I received much grace through the sermon and kept responding with 'amen' and tears. When the sermon was almost over, I could hear the preacher more clearly. I thought someone turned up the volume, so I asked a person who was sitting next to me, "Did they turn up the volume? It sounds so loud!" She answered, "It does? But it sounds just the same to me." At the moment, I realized that chronic otitis media was healed and I recovered my hearing. I had hardly been able to hear soft sounds, but from that point on, I could clearly hear even the soft sounds. I give glory to God and I also want to thank Senior Pastor for his prayer with love.
"Now I Can Hear without Hearing Aid"
Deaconess Yongrae Cheon (8th Parish, 5-2 Women's Mission)
In my childhood I had an accident in which I fell into a stream, and since then I could hardly hear with my right ear from otitis media for 25 years. What was worse, someone slapped me in the face six years ago. Since then, water oozed out from my left ear and the hearing got worse and worse, so I finally had to wear a hearing aid. Despite bad hearing, I often evangelized on the streets with Manmin News for years. From a couple of months ago, I distributed 1,000 copies a week with the help of Cell Leader Deaconess Songhee Shin. On the night of January 22, I received the prayer from Senior Pastor for the recovery of hearing before Friday All-night Service. On the following morning, when I was putting on the hearing aid, I found out that I could hear well without the hearing aid.
"My life Is Happier since I Can Now Hear Better"
Brother Choi (27th Parish, North Korean Refugees' Mission)
In 1951, during the Korean War, I was helping the Korean army as a 16-year-old. I was captured and a captive of the North Korean Army. I was misunderstood to be a spy and had to suffer from severe torture and was beaten a lot. Because of this, both of my eardrums were damaged; so I could hardly hear. In 2003, I left the North Korea and became a refugee. But with bad hearing, I had fears about everything. There was a time last year when I lost interest in Christian life and didn't come to church for several months. Recently, I started attending the church just habitually. On last January 29, I received Senior Pastor's prayer with other members of North Korean Refugees' Mission to receive benefits as a man of national merit. Much to my surprise, I began to hear Senior Pastor's sermon very clearly during Sunday Morning Service on January 31. God healed me during the service even though I didn't receive his prayer for the recovery of hearing. God is surely living. My life is happier with better hearing.
"I Was Living Unwillingly and a Miracle Happened to Me"
Sister Myungsun Park (Chang-won Manmin Church)
A year ago, I was hospitalized for a long time due to surgery to put an artificial joint into my knee. Since then, both of my ears began to lose hearing and I couldn't hear well. I was suffering in many parts of my body when someone came to me with the purpose of evangelism. She was Senior Deaconess Myungsoo Cho. I began to attend Chang-won Manmin Church. Though my house was an hour away from the church, I diligently attended the worship services and tried my best to receive healing by God's power with faith. On last January 29, I went to Seoul for the healing of diseases and received the prayer from Senior Pastor. In the van on our way back to Chang-won, something amazing happened. I had been able to hear only when someone talked closely directly into my ears in a loud voice, but suddenly I could hear quiet sounds even without a hearing aid. Hallelujah!
Guidance to the Power of God
Innate blindness and deafness are incurable with the modern medicine. But if we ask for the power of God the Creator through faith, we can experience biblical miracles that are happening even today (Hebrews 13:8; Ephesians 4:13). If dead or degraded nerve cells were revived, or if a man who was blind from birth came to see, or if a deaf man came to hear, we can say they were healed by the power of God through a person whose faith reached the measure of Jesus Christ.
- From the Chapter 3 (Power of Re-creation) of Extraordinary Miracles