I am a 'Lord-flower' Changed by the Shepherd's Love
 15269 |
September 16, 2012 |
Brother Youngho Kim (Masan Manmin Church)
My parents are both musicians, so I naturally have loved praises and showed great interest in music from early childhood. I even picked up the double bass bow among other choices in my first-birthday party. Even before I became one year old, I liked music such that I could listen motionlessly to my father's double bass practicing for three hours in a row.
After healed of acute appendicitis by faith
In November, 2005, I was a sixth grader. All of a sudden, I vomited, became feverish and had pain in my stomach. After I received Dr. Jaerock Lee's prayer recorded on Automatic Response System, I got better. But the symptom wasn't completely gone, so I went to hospital with my parents.
The doctor said I had acute appendicitis and pus had already oozed out inside. He added that I had to get operation immediately. But I told my parents I would be healed by God the Almighty. They agreed feeling proud of me. At night on the same day, I received prayer from Pastor Sangtae Kim of Masan Manmin Church and slept with comfort. Next day, I received Dr. Lee's prayer for the sick through GCN TV during Sunday Morning Service. At that moment, something cool like peppermint's scent surrounded my whole body. I could see I was healed right then.
Afterwards, I came to eat well and exercised. I got a check-up again the following day and medical data confirmed I had been healed.
I prayed in church every day after school, attended every kind of service even including Men's Mission's Cell Meeting with my family, and enjoyed giving services and prayer. Leading such a diligent Christian life in the grace of God, I became the president of Middle School Students' Mission and the president of High School Students' Mission.
I was moved by the shepherd's earnest love and made up my mind
In 2009, I entered a coeducational high school. I started to pay attention to my hair style and fashion mimicking my worldly friends. In those days, my Christian life seemed to be full of the Holy Spirit on the outside, but I was lazy changing my heart into the truth. Naturally, I began to have love for the worldly things and accept them little by little. I should have been filling my heart with the Lord's love and hope for Heaven.
In 2010, Senior Pastor Dr. Jaerock Lee felt so sad seeing students on the way to Hell because they fell into the temptation of this sinful world and committed sins. I realized that his messages were delivered with tears for us and love towards us. And I was deeply moved.
Then, I repented of my past life, gave service with more thanks, and made up my mind to become Dr. Lee's valuable fruit. I was trying hard to remember his love and see only the Lord. In the meantime, God blessed me to be awarded the Grand Prize of the 17th Manmin Students' Praise Contest in 2010.
In fact, I had participated in the contest every year since 2007. In 2007, I was not able to make it to the final round. In 2008 I received Popularity Prize and in 2009 the Silver Prize. I was determined to give glory to God and the Lord and become the source of joy to the shepherd year after year. And in 2010 when I made a strong resolution by the shepherd's love, I finally received the Grand Prize.
I have given glory to God with prizes in many meeting contests
I am majoring in music in College of Arts of Pusan National University as a freshman. I am specializing in double bass. In 2012, I was also blessed to give glory to God as a soloist of Performing Arts Committee of Manmin Central Church in Seoul, Korea.
Also, I have taken part in many contests after receiving Dr. Lee's prayer of blessing. I was honored to receive a lot of prizes in them. I won following prizes: the Grand Prize of orchestral music among high school students in 2011 National Students' Music Competition hosted by Changwon branch of the Music Association of Korea; the First Prize among double bass players both in 2011 and 2012 National Students' Music Contests hosted by the Music Association of Busan; the Excellence Award and College Department's Golden Prize and Special Prize in the 13th Glo Vil National Music Competition co-hosted by the Culture & Contents Development Center of Pusan National University and Glo Vil Art Hall.
My family is a musical family. Deacon Junhyuk Kim, my father, is a conductor of Masan Manmin Church's Nissi Orchestra. Deaconess Mikyung Lee, my mother and Sister Jooeun Kim, my sister play the violin in the orchestra. I also play the double bass and lead the preliminary praise before services and Wednesday Praise and Worship Service in the church.
I give all thanks and glory to God who made me a praise singer and my family a happy musical family.