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A thyroid lump on my throat was completely gone!
New Update
One day in January 2024, I woke up in the morning and felt pain in my neck. I could feel a small lump. As time passed, the lump grew bigger and bigger to turn into a bump, and the affected area became swollen. It was easily visible, so I turned up my collar or covered it with a scarf. ...

"Keeping the Sabbath and Giving the Whole Tithe Is the Passage to Blessings"

Manmin News   No. 505
August 21, 2016

Deaconess Margaret Azteca, age 46, Nairobi Manmin Holiness Church, Kenya

I went diligently to a Pentecostal church but I was not taught to keep the Lord's Day holy. I used to go on a family outing and meet people outside of the church. I sometimes spoke ill of others. I did not know it was sin and I thought I would go to Heaven.

As I came to Nairobi Manmin Holiness Church in December 2007, I learned about keeping the Sabbath and giving whole tithe. I heard about New Jerusalem, the best dwelling place in Heaven and realized that in order to enter the city I should discard sinful natures such as anger and hatred and live by the Word of God. From then my life began to be renewed.

I worked for an apiculture company as a manager of Business Development. I was so stubborn and strict, the workers called me 'Iron Woman'. I started to change this attitude; I humbly and softly treated them. I began to get more recognition from the company and got promoted to a chief manager.

In May 2009, I delivered my twin. Since they were born at the seventh month of pregnancy, they weighed only 1.7kg and 1.8kg each. They had to be put in the incubators for seven days, and while growing up they were often sick. I went to Bishop Dr. Myongho Cheong to receive the prayer. He said to me, "God cannot protect your children if you do not give a tithe." I had not given my tithe with an excuse for unexpected spending on my twin's medical payment. I repented right away and made up my mind to give my tithe in any kind of situation.

As I started to keep the Lord's Day holy and give the whole tithe, my whole family including my children kept healthy under God's protection, blessings overflowed in my business, and I was protected even in an accident.

In January 2015, I was about to get on a bus. All of a sudden, an item I had to buy in the market flashed through my mind, so I let the bus go, bought it, and got on the next bus. While going on the bus, I saw many people hurt in a traffic accident. There was the bus that I had let go.

After I learned about the gospel of holiness, I became eager to spread it to people in my hometown (Butere in the western Kenya). Meantime, I heard that Pastor Joseph ministering to the church that my husband's elder brother attends invited Dr. Cheong of Nairobi Manmin Holiness Church and asked him to lead Pastors' Seminar. The pastors in attendance wanted to be one with Manmin and have learned the holiness gospel since then. Hallelujah!

Deacon Samuel, her husband, Vice President of Men's Mission; Deaconess Margaret, President of Women's Mission (from left); and her twin (in front of Deaconess Margaret) with other family members




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