 18493 |
January 07, 2008 |
~ Sang-Jong Lee (4 Young Adults' Mission; 6-25 Mission)
Sang-Jong Lee (second from left) giving his testimony during his group meeting
On Friday, November 23, 2007, I was helping my brother-in-law with his meal service business and drove to one of the high schools in Seoul. The incline of the road on which the driver of the 2.5-ton truck parked the vehicle was so steep that he parked the truck right against the wall on the right side of the road. I got off the truck first to place a wooden prop behind the right front wheel of the truck to prevent the truck from rolling back. But then the truck, even with the wooden prop and placed in park, began to roll back. On top of that, the hand brake was not working; I was trying to stop the truck and to remove the prop from behind the wheel, I told the driver to move the car forward. The driver, however, put the truck in "Reverse" instead of "Drive" to move up the hill, and stepped on the gas with all his strength. The truck reversed in the blink of an eye and I was sandwiched between the 2.5-ton truck and the wall. As I instinctively raised my right arm up, the back of my right hand folded awkwardly and my right pelvis and chest were pressured against with great weight. I thought that my shattered pelvis and right wrist would prevent any further use of them in the future and that all my internal organs had imploded from within. At least at that moment, I couldn't think of anything worse. My body was able to slip out of the gap between the truck and the wall but to this day, I am amazed how my body hadn't been sucked underneath the truck. I calmed myself and received Senior Pastor Dr. Jaerock Lee's prayer saved on my cell phone. I then called my Parish Pastor and Guidance Pastor and told them I was going to go and receive the Senior Pastor's prayer. A few moments later, an ambulance came and I was carried to Korea Hospital. An X-ray revealed, however, that no joints in my body had been fractured. I couldn't believe what I was hearing so I asked the doctor again and again. The Guidance Pastor arrived at the hospital and I was carried to the church by a private ambulance. I was in excruciating pain but I raised myself up from the wheelchair, went before the Senior Pastor, and received his prayer. At that very moment, I felt warmth in my right hand, was able to move my fingers, and, although I had to drag one of my legs, I could begin taking steps. I attended the Friday All-night Service and worshipped in fullness till 4 o'clock the following morning. I was hospitalized a few days later for a full examination. On November 25, I attended the Sunday Worship Service in a wheelchair with the help of my friends, as I was not able to move about on my own yet. After receiving the Senior Pastor's prayer again following the Evening Service, I could begin walking on my own and could bend my right fingers as freely as before. A CT scan revealed a very minute fracture on the right back of the hand. Other than that, there were no other fractures in any other parts of the body and there was nothing wrong with any of the internal organs. It was a miracle. I was also thankful to hear of the minute fracture because that would affirm the fact that my body, after having endured such trauma, was all right even in the accident. Yet, I was healed even of that minute fracture when I attended the Friday All-night Service on November 30, when there was a monthly divine healing meeting during the second part of the Service. I could now make a fist with my right hand and raise my right foot, which I could lift up only by 4 inches from the ground, freely. I am as healthy and normal as before. I give all thanks and glory to God for healing me so quickly and would also like to convey my sincerest gratitude to the Senior Pastor for his heartfelt prayer.