Manmin News, Manmin, Manmin Central Church, drLee, jae-rock Lee

“I’m so glad that I can wear sneakers without pain now!”
New Update
It happened in 2020. One day it looked like a thorn got stuck in the right middle toe and I looked into it closely. But nothing was found there. The pain got worse with the passing of time and later I couldn’t bear whenever my toes touched anything. ...

"I Came to Hear with the Ear That Was Deaf for 47 Years!"

Manmin News   No. 538
April 23, 2017

Sister Anchi Chun, age 53, Taiwan Manmin Church

When I was five years old, I was picking my left ear for fun. A boy who was passing by me hit my arm by mistake. I had my eardrum split and it bled a lot and caused much pain. Afterwards, I could not hear at all with the left ear. I was uncomfortable because I had to rely on my right ear.

In January 2014, I was guided to Taiwan Manmin Church by Deaconess Yangintong and heard about many healing testimonies. I was surprised to hear that many incurable diseases can be healed. Particularly, I was interested in the testimonies of deaf ears coming to hear.

I longed to be healed. I prepared myself with fasting and vowed prayer for the Leadership Conference 2016. I finally arrived in Korea and on July 3 went to Sunday Services of the church. When I saw Senior Pastor in person whom I had only seen on GCN-TV, I became filled with the Holy Spirit. When I shook hands with him, happiness was overflowing in my heart.

On July 4, during the first seminar of Senior Pastor, I experienced something amazing. I put earphones in my ears and a big sound came into my left ear. I was so surprised that I put the earphone in left ear into my right ear. The sound was the same. I was blessed to hear through the left ear through which I could not hear for 47 years. Hallelujah!

Her left hearing ability recovered, and both ears are the same in the pure tone bone conduction and air conduction audiometry.




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Manmin News, Manmin, Manmin Church, Manmin Central Church, Jaerock Lee, Jaerock, drLee