Manmin News, Manmin, Manmin Central Church, drLee, jae-rock Lee

“I’m so glad that I can wear sneakers without pain now!”
New Update
It happened in 2020. One day it looked like a thorn got stuck in the right middle toe and I looked into it closely. But nothing was found there. The pain got worse with the passing of time and later I couldn’t bear whenever my toes touched anything. ...

"I Have Been Set Free from Prostatism"

Manmin News   No. 545
June 11, 2017

Brother Melchor Reyes, age 74, Manila Manmin Church, the Philippines

In 2007, I woke up seven or eight times during the night to urinate. Moreover, it was accompanied with great pain, so I feared even going to the restroom. In 2008, I had surgery for prostatism but in late 2016 the pain returned. The doctor advised me to have prostate specific antigen (PSA) test every three months to stop the prostate from getting bigger.

In August 2016, the test result was 6(ng/mL) while normal result is 3 to 4(ng/mL). In December, it even rose to 20(ng/mL). I was told that if PSA number reached 20 it could have developed into prostate cancer. I was really worried.

On March 19, 2017, it was the day prior to the third test. I told Pastor Jaebhong Uhm of my church about my health condition, and earnestly received the prayer of the handkerchief on which Senior Pastor Dr. Jaerock Lee had prayed (Acts 19:11-12). I also repented of my past sins and wrongdoings and made up my mind to lead a good Christian life.

The following morning, I had no pain in urinating. The test result also showed the PSA number was 2, which means normal. Hallelujah!




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Manmin News, Manmin, Manmin Church, Manmin Central Church, Jaerock Lee, Jaerock, drLee