Manmin News, Manmin, Manmin Central Church, drLee, jae-rock Lee

“I’m so glad that I can wear sneakers without pain now!”
New Update
It happened in 2020. One day it looked like a thorn got stuck in the right middle toe and I looked into it closely. But nothing was found there. The pain got worse with the passing of time and later I couldn’t bear whenever my toes touched anything. ...

"God healed my calf of cataracts!"

Manmin News   No. 609
September 16, 2018

Sister Niranut Thananchai, age 20, Chiang Rai Manmin Church, Thailand

While I was attending Korean language course open in Chiang Rai Manmin Church, I happened to listen to Senior Pastor Dr. Jaerock Lee's sermon. He said that hatred, jealousy, and lies are all sins and even explained how to cast them away. I was deeply touched by the sermon and registered as a member of Manmin in May 2017.

In March 2018, I experienced an amazing work of God. One of my parents' cows gave birth to a calf, but his left eye was almost blind due to cataracts. As a result he could not walk well and often bumped into trees and fell down. The vet said it was congenital and he needed surgery, adding that the surgery did not guarantee perfect recovery.

I felt pity for the calf, so I went to their house. I laid the handkerchief on which Senior Pastor had prayed on the calf and prayed for it (Acts 19:11-12). Five days later, my father delivered good news! The calf was healed of cataracts completely and his eyes became clean. The calf is also able to walk and run without problems! Hallelujah!




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Manmin News, Manmin, Manmin Church, Manmin Central Church, Jaerock Lee, Jaerock, drLee