Manmin News, Manmin, Manmin Central Church, drLee, jae-rock Lee

“I’m so glad that I can wear sneakers without pain now!”
New Update
It happened in 2020. One day it looked like a thorn got stuck in the right middle toe and I looked into it closely. But nothing was found there. The pain got worse with the passing of time and later I couldn’t bear whenever my toes touched anything. ...

"My sorrow turned into joy after I was led to light!"

Manmin News   No. 619
December 02, 2018

Deaconess Mija Oh, 66, Chinese Parish 1, Manmin Central Church

After I was defrauded of a big sum of money, I suffered from many kinds of diseases including insomnia, depression, and heart disease and also had many problems in my family. Living in desperation and pain, I went to shamans and had them perform exorcism for me. But nothing changed. I went to hospitals, but no doctor healed my depression.

One day, I had difficulty in breathing and went to the hospital. The doctor said my heart had become very weakened and if I would have pain in my heart again, my life would be put under great risk. I felt so weary that I just wanted to give my life up.

Meantime, in July 2005, I was reminded of my niece's word that said people are healed of even cancers in her church. So, I registered in Manmin Central Church as if I grabbed at straws to survive. When I entered the main sanctuary, I felt so refreshed, and when I listened to Dr. Jaerock Lee's sermon, I felt consoled and peaceful.
As I read the Bible and listened to his sermons, "The Message of the Cross," "Ten Plagues," and "The Beatitudes" every day, I realized why I had undergone so many problems in my life and felt convinced of salvation.

I made up my mind to rely only on God and listened to Senior Pastor's sermons all day. I also received his prayer for the sick with my heart after the sermons every day. Then, pain in my hip joint was completely gone, and I was even set free from insomnia that had put me in great pain for the last 30 years. I was healed of depression, heart disease, and other diseases as well, and my eyesight improved and I even started to menstruate again.

In 2007, I was given my precious duty as a cell leader. I relied on God with earnest prayer and fasting not to lose even a single soul that God had entrusted to me and to help them become wheat-like members. God sent newcomers to my cell every week and the number of the members tripled that year, and I was given a sub-district leader position the following year.

I just regarded my God-given duty as precious and tried to fulfill it unchangingly with joy, but God gave me spiritual faith and hope for heaven as presents. In 2015, I even received the Award of Excellent Sub-district Leader. In the past, I used to be a person who wanted to give up my life, but now I am living such a precious life delivering the grace of God to people. I am so grateful!

Since 2017, I have been a leader of the Newcomer Reception Group of the Chinese Parish. When newcomers registered, I shared the grace I had received. When I said I had been healed of many diseases and I am very healthy now, they were surprised and received much grace. What I can do now is imprint the grace I received in my heart every day and pray every night in Daniel Prayer Meeting to become sanctified and bear abundant fruit of evangelism.

I give all thanks and glory to God who guided me to Manmin Central Church and gave me abundant blessing both in spirit and body. And I give thanks to Senior Pastor with all my heart.




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Manmin News, Manmin, Manmin Church, Manmin Central Church, Jaerock Lee, Jaerock, drLee