Manmin News, Manmin, Manmin Central Church, drLee, jae-rock Lee

I was healed of acute cerebral infarction and acute myocardial infarction!
New Update
On September 3, 2024, I came across a minor collision on the way to work. When I got to the office and drank water, my hands were shaking and I could not keep my balance. I was sent to the emergency room and the examination results showed that I had an acute cerebral infarction, which was serious. The doctor advised me to go to a larger hospital. ...

My loving Father saved me from melancholia/depression and suicidal death urges

Manmin News  
April 16, 2005

Deaconess Keunok Park (Age:37, Choonchun Manmin Church)

In 2003, I had abundant possessions including a high quality of home, shopping buildings, two cars, and stock dividend from a motel. I lived a rich life. I had fellowship with wealthy wives of the "Fifties" living in Choonchun city, and my life was lavish. I considered money as the most valuable thing and became so arrogant that I came to avoid the poor.

Melancholia and the urge of suicidal death
However, from February of 2004 on, the economic condition went
into depression and I could not get back the money I had lent before. Until then I had joined a few credit unions, and had to deposit some amount of money into those unions.
I began to borrow money from the people around me and the principal and interest on the loans started to increase like falling snow. As a result, I could not sleep enough, and suffered from nightmares when I did sleep, thinking, 'Into which credit union shall I put the money tomorrow? What amount is it?'
From June of 2004, I slept less than two hours at a time. In July and August, I lost so much weight and became very skinny. During the summer time my nerves grew so sensitive that I had not bathed myself for more than ten days and not brushed my teeth for more than seven days. The symptoms of deep depression began to appear.
My husband took me to the hospital and the doctor advised me to be admitted to the hospital immediately. Afterwards I took medicine every day but my mind became dreary and I felt the urge to commit suicide because I felt so helpless to everybody. 'Why am I a mentally deranged woman?'
One day at the sunset, I tried to hang myself with a baby diaper. But I stepped down on the top of a chair and my suicide attempt failed. After that I tried to commit suicide once more. Finally I was sent to a metal hospital. My body deteriorated to the point in which I could not walk properly.
My condition was too serious to stay in the mental hospital, so I left there. But many people gossiped about my admission to the mental hospital. I could not attend my church anymore, a small church near at my house. I lived each day only by the medications that I took.

Guided to Manmin Church by my sister-in-law
In the December of 2004, my sister-in-law, Deaconess Minja Jung, who was attending Changwon Manmin Church, came to Choonchun to participate in the my uncle's funeral and told me about Rev. Dr. Jaerock Lee and about his church, the Manmin Joong-ang Church and the powerful works happening there.
Before then I used to neglect her. I ridiculed her by saying she was too wrapped up in her church. But because I had suffered from depression for so many months, my emotions were stimulated. I listened when she talked about miracles such as the blind come to see, the mute to speak, the lame to walk, and all kinds of diseases including cancers and mental diseases are cured.
I thought the only thing I had to rely on was the power of Rev. Dr. Lee and promised to her I would attend Choonchun Manmin Church. Afterwards I was guided to Choonchun Manmin Church by the help of Deaconess Jungja Park. I went with my body unwashed for ten days and in black sport clothes.
After the service I consulted with Rev. Dongheon Kim and my heart began to be opened. That week I attended the Wednesday service with my children and registered at Manmin Church. I was told that the New Year's Service would be held two weeks later, and I deeply felt that I wanted to be healed from the depths of my heart and to live a happy life with my family again.

I restored happiness after healed of melancholia
On the day of New Year's Service I came to Manmin Joong-ang Church in Seoul and asked Rev. Dr. Lee to pray for healing and gave him some offering that I had prepared.

He cried, 'Depression, go away! Light, come upon her!"

When he prayed for me earnestly, I felt his deep and ardent love and my heart was moved. While he was praying, I was reminded of some sins including my past prejudice against Manmin Joong-ang Church, about the wrong reports of MBC (Munhwa Broadcasting Center), and my arrogant life with money. I repented of those sins with tears.
When I turned my body after his prayer, I felt a cool wind
blowing into my nose. During the New Year's Service I was very touched by the message, worship dances and praises. "What a wonderful and unexpected life it is!"
Since I came back to Choonchun City, monthly period resumed and I was healed of insomnia (sleeplessness). I came to sleep comfortably and my face looked reddish and smiles were restored.
Listening to the audio sermon tapes of Rev. Dr. Lee "The Message of the Cross" and "Goodness" all the symptoms of melancholia disappeared and I began a healthy life. Hallelujah! My family and my husband's family confessed God made me alive again and registered at Choonchun Manmin Church.

I have let my house for sale from 2003 to pay back my debt of the amount of 200 million Won (200 thousand US Dollars), for which I received Rev. Dr. Lee's prayer when he prayed for the healing of my melancholia on the day of New Year's service. About four months later, on March 31, an old man and his wife came to me and we contracted for the house by 235 million Won (235 thousand dollars). I give all thanks and glory to God who has led me out of the worldly way leading to death and to the altar of life! Thank Rev. Dr. Jaerock Lee.


Melancholia/Depression is a serious society problem

These days a famous Korean actress committed suicide because of melancholia and many Koreans including housewives, college girl students, horse-riders, and nurses imitated her. Real actions need to be taken. Melancholia used to be a minor disease tens of years ago, but today WHO (World Health Organization) regards it as one of the ten worst diseases of the 21st century. The Korean statistics says 3.2 million people, 8 % of the
whole population suffered from melancholia last year. Now melancholia is an epidemic disease. Let us introduce a few examples of those who have escaped from the suffering of melancholia and restored happy lives.

Deaconess Ranok Cho has suffered from melancholia and sleeplessness from five years ago, and tried to commit suicide a few times. But when she attended the Divine Healing Meeting at the Friday All-night service in July 2004, she repented of her sins with tears and was completely healed through the prayer of Rev. Dr. Lee. Now she is living a happy life.

Deacon Sesup Shim felt the urge to kill himself a few times in a state of depression and insomnia due to the stock market failure. While hearing the message of Rev. Dr. Lee, he suddenly felt his shoulders unfolding and his body pulled back. After that his body became hot and was completely healed of melancholia and bad digestion.

Deacon Kichul Park suffered from severe mental pressures due to excessive debts of 170 million Won (170 thousand US Dollars) from credit card loans, bank loans and personal debts from starting a business. He even tried to kill himself. But reading Rev. Dr. Lee's testimonial memoirs "Tasting Eternal Life before Death" he received the Holy Spirit and his heart became filled with the hope for heaven. In addition, it was not long before he was blessed in both good health and in finances.




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Manmin News, Manmin, Manmin Church, Manmin Central Church, Jaerock Lee, Jaerock, drLee