On September 3, 2024, I came across a minor collision on the way to work. When I got to the office and drank water, my hands were shaking and I could not keep my balance. I was sent to the emergency room and the examination results showed that I had an acute cerebral infarction, which was serious. The doctor advised me to go to a larger hospital. ...
l India l I Am Happy to Get away from the Bondage of Darkness
Joshua (Chennai Manmin Church, India)
I suffered from heart disease and also was possessed by a demon. But no one recognized it because I was always silent. But beginning 4 years ago, the demon inside me became violent. It caused me to torment my family with such wild behaviors and I couldn't stay at home even a short while. I often ran away to the public cemetery and spent the night there. When the symptoms got worse I even imitated the sound of frogs, monkeys and snakes. So my family had to lock me in a room. The suffering of my family was indescribable. They had to lock me in a room and they had to tie me up with a rope whenever they took me outside. Pastor Joseph Han, ministering Chennai Manmin Church, told my family that we had to find the original problem and then repent and solve it. My family prayed with fasting. One day Pastor Han visited me with church members and prayed for me. I collapsed and the pastor asked the demon how he came into me. The demon replied "I came from the tree standing between this man's parents' house and the land of their neighbor Sakuma. I came to take this man's life away and this is the seventh time I entered into him." This was the reply of the demon inside me. Actually, Sakuma was my parents' neighbor and they had a bad relationship because of a land problem. He is engaged in black magic, and he engraved the first son's name on a bronze tablet and buried it under a tree with a dead baby's hand. The following day, I collapsed again and said as follows. "Two meters below the first tree is a jar that contains the copper plate." After my mother knew this fact, she went there and tried to pull out the tree. Then a voice was heard from inside the tree. "Go away, Go away!" People around her were scared but she didn't hesitate to put fire on it and burned the entire tree. Thus, the original problem was solved. A few days later my family brought me to Chennai Manmin Church and we attended Friday all night service through GCN. Following the message, Dr. Jaerock Lee prayed for the sick. An unbelievable thing happened to me. Everything returned to normal the violent behavior stopped and the heart disease had gone as well. Hallelujah!
l USA l Ruptured Achilles Tendon Was Healed
Nelya Karabara (Medical Doctor, Richland, New Jersey)
I fell down on the street and sprained my ankle. Due to the unendurable pain I was unable to walk and couldn't even stand for a moment. And then the ankle turned black and started to swell. And I noticed that it was a rupture of the Achilles tendon. But rather than depending on medicine I decided to rely on God. That evening I attended the seminar led by Dr. Vitaliy Fishberg with the help of my two friends. After the seminar Dr. Vitaliy Fishberg prayed for me with the handkerchief that Dr. Jaerock Lee had prayed on. At that moment the pain was gone and the injured part trembled. I felt like my leg was burning with fire and with electricity! When I woke up Sunday morning, all symptoms were gone! I even could come to church in shoes. I had clear assurance of the divine supernatural power of God and His love for me. I had even more enthusiasm toward God and the Lord after reading Dr. Lee's book 'Heaven I.' I give thanks to Dr. Jaerock Lee and give all the glory to God and the Lord.
l Belgium l WCDN, Overflowing Evidences of God's Power
Pastor Hugo Van (The church of God's Ambassador)
Twenty-one years ago, I was sentenced to death with an incurable disease. It was cancer. I eagerly looked for churches where healing was taking place but it was not easy. However I didn't get disappointed and kept holding on to God and was healed by faith. Later in 2005, I established the healing school with some doctors who had the same thoughts that I had. Meanwhile, I attended the fifth International Christian Medical Conference held under auspice of WCDN in Norway in 2008. People were testifying to the living God with clear evidences of God's power. I was quite impressed to hear the healing cases because I was eagerly looking for a healing ministry organization. On the first night of the conference I read Dr. Jaerock Lee's books "My life My Faith" and "God the Healer." It was a big blessing to me. I wish to cooperate in Dr. Lee's ministry and WCDN to spread love of God toward Belgium and all of Europe.
What Is Happening in New York Manmin International Church?
At the Home Coming Day meeting held on March 29, 2009, many healing works took place. And here is a special testimony of a 5 year old girl named Chelsy Lacarrie who was healed of a problem with her eyes. Chelsy was born with cerebral palsy and her limbs were paralyzed. Both of her eyes had a fearful squint so that she couldn't see anything properly because each of her two eyes was looking in totally different directions. One day the TV was broken so that Chelsy's mother, Jennifer, could only watch one channel and it was channel 17, GCN. She was deeply impressed by Dr. Lee's messages. She heard there is a branch church in New York and visited the church. After that she read Dr. Lee's books 'The Measure of Faith', 'Heaven I,' and 'The Law of God'. She repented with tears. She decided to keep the Sabbath and give the whole tithe. At the handkerchief meeting, her daughter received the prayer and her eye became normal and she could look in the same direction with both of her two eyes.