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[A Letter from Abroad] Prayer from Seoul manifested instantaneously in Israel
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Dear Dr. Jaerock Lee, I thank the Lord for you and your ministry, and for your dedication to manifest God's power to this world in these end times. I am translating your books "My Life My Faith 1 & 2" into the Hebrew language. The Lord has blessed me and my husband, Pastor Suhail Dabbagh very much. ...

[A Letter from Abroad] I would like to dedicate my Belgium to Our Lord through revival.

Manmin News   No. 79
August 6, 2006

Rev. Guy Davidts
(Senior Pastor, Revival of Faith Manmin Holiness Church, Brussels, Belgium)

Between 2002 and 2004, I suffered the difficulty of seeing the number of my congregation decrease significantly and many of the branch churches forced to close. As I prayed day and night, sometimes with three-day, two-week, and three-week fasting, God gave me an opportunity to recover. That was "The 2004 Germany Healing Festival with Rev. Dr. Jaerock Lee" and translating Rev. Dr. Lee's books into French. These two events turned my life and ministry upside down.
I came to realize that I must trust completely in God the Father's Word, throw out all the deeds of the flesh and sinful attributes of the heart, and love Father God above all else. As I called for sanctification and devotion, my congregation began to be renewed, participate in God's works with gladness, and come together as one in love and peace.
Then the church began to experience revival and branch churches were rebuilt. Even miracles took place. A brother suffering from the blood-sugar level of over 700 was healed while another brother who had been suffering from AIDS also received healing. I can feel with my heart that the day of Our Lord's return is not too far and I would like to bring revival to Belgium and dedicate it to Him.




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Manmin News, Manmin, Manmin Church, Manmin Central Church, Jaerock Lee, Jaerock, drLee