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How happy you would be when your child empathizes with you and shares sincere love with you! It is the same with God who is Light. He wants us to walk in the Light and share intimate fellowship with Him as His loving child. Those who walk in the Light can share lovely exchanges with God forever, so we need every effort to come forth as His true children who can understand His heart and share everlasting lo ...

[News from Mission Fields] WCDN Hosts "Free Health Check-up" in Chennai, India

Manmin News   No. 73
April 16, 2006

-Introduces to Hindus and Muslims the love of Our Lord and the work of God's power

WCDN medical staff and volunteers

A "Free Health Check-up" event was held at Chennai Manmin Church (Pastor Joseph Han) on Wednesday, March 29, 2006, under the auspices of the World Christian Doctors Network (WCDN).
WCDN (Rev. Dr. Jaerock Lee, Chairman) is an organization established in 2004 with a goal to research and analyze the medical cases in which diseases were healed by God's power and to testify to God the Creator and Jesus Christ.
The March 2006 "Free Health Check-up" session aimed to provide medical service to local Indians – most of whom are non-Christians including Hindus and Muslims – free of charge and to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Prior to the Check-up was a worship service in which Dr. Philipp Anbarasan, M.D. (former State Medical Commissioner, in Kerala, India; Director of WCDN India) delivered a message and a video presentation of Rev. Dr. Jaerock Lee's prayer.
Afterwards, Dr. Anbarasan, M.D., Dr. Surya Prakash, M.D., Dr. P. Jayachandran, M.D., and Dr. Jayarani Andrew, M.D., along with three nurses, diagnosed the patients and with the volunteer service of members of Chennai Manmin Church, the Check-up took place in the midst of God's grace.
In all, 320 patients signed up for the free clinic. On the second floor of Chennai Manmin Church, waiting patients were treated to the video presentations of "Power," a compilation of the instances of God's work manifested by Rev. Dr. Jaerock Lee, and highlights from "The 2002 Miracle Healing Prayer Festival" held in Chennai, India, and were planted faith in their heart. There was also a "Testimonial Photographs Exhibition" at which the participants were amazed by the work of God's power and gave glory to Him.
Many Hindus at hand requested to receive prayer with the handkerchief on which Rev. Dr. Jaerock Lee had prayed (Acts 19:11-12), while many other Muslims shed tears after watching the "Power" video and subsequently accepted Jesus Christ.

Waiting patients watching the video presentation of Rev. Dr. Jaerock Lee's ministry based on God's power




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Manmin News, Manmin, Manmin Church, Manmin Central Church, Jaerock Lee, Jaerock, drLee