I’ve never regretted taking the way that I walk now
 4827 |
May?24, 2020 |

I am the one who could begin a new life thanks to the love of the Lord. Before I believed in the Lord, I suffered from various kinds of diseases. After 7 years on the sickbed, it seemed only death that was waiting for me. I couldn’t hear well. I couldn’t eat well. I couldn’t walk well. I couldn’t even go to restroom alone. Where in the world could I find hope? It was God Himself that found me and met me. I received the fire of the Holy Spirit, and I was healed of all of those diseases at once. I knelt down, and cried. “Oh God, You truly live.” My happy life began in the love of God from then.
I took my wife and children to nearby church, and attended worship service. I didn’t know any hymn. I didn’t know how to pray. But it was overwhelming to worship God. I kept the word of God, and practiced it as I learned it while receiving refinements. I wanted to know more of God’s word. I read the bible, and I prayed fervently. As God said, “Love your enemies,” all the resentments that I had for years deep in my heart were melted. For the love of the Lord controlled me, from the moment I met Him, I obeyed the commandments of God. The more I obeyed, the more fervent my love for God, the Lord, and souls became.
I encountered so many things before I started Manmin Central Church, and I could understand the depth of God’s heart. I could afelt the heart of the Lord who shed tears for people that were distressed and dispirited like sheep without a shepherd
I felt the heart of the Lord who mourned for Pharisees and scribes who did evil although He taught them the truth, manifested signs and wonders, and showed the evidences to believe. Jesus knew that Judas Iscariot would betray Him, but He taught him the truth, and loved him till the end. I could feel the Lord’s heart of love and forgiveness as well. I could understand the loneliness of God desires His true children who can understand the Father’s heart, and share with Him the eternal love and unchanging heart. Meanwhile, I discovered in my heart the fruit of love which is like the heart of the Father. To accomplish the kingdom of God, no matter how I suffered, I was patient, was not provoked, and didn’t take into account a wrong suffered. I never had a single piece of mind that something wrong would happen even to an evil man. I rather waited and prayed for him to turn back.
I tried my best not to be arrogant and not to act unbecomingly before God and men, but to be most humble and to serve. Whenever I heard the work of God was taking place in a church, I wasn’t jealous of the church, but rejoiced with the truth, and prayed for the church. I prayed for the church so that the church and its shepherd could glorify God all the more and better.
At the time I started Manmin Church, its members had weak faith, and they were short of many things. Yet I could wait with hope because I believed that God would make it great, and because I loved the people God entrusted to me as I cared for my own life. In order to manage God-given duty well until the Lord comes back, I pray earnestly, and do my best.