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Those having fellowship with God
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How happy you would be when your child empathizes with you and shares sincere love with you! It is the same with God who is Light. He wants us to walk in the Light and share intimate fellowship with Him as His loving child. Those who walk in the Light can share lovely exchanges with God forever, so we need every effort to come forth as His true children who can understand His heart and share everlasting lo ...

[Special] God’s grace poured down upon us

Manmin News   No. 755
December 03, 2023

On the Thanksgiving Sunday, a high quality of fruits, grains and vegetables are put on the altar and beautifully decorated on it. They remind us of God’s abundant grace and the fruits of blessing borne in spirit and flesh.
Commemorating a Thanksgiving Sunday, let us look into what kind of grace has come upon us by the God of love who fills His children with the best things.

Grace 1: God looks at us with the eyes of love

When He planned to cultivate human beings, God foreknew what would happen in the future. When He formed the first man Adam and gave him the freewill, He also knew Adam would betray Him and many of his offsprings stand against God.
At the same time, He expected to gain those children who love God sincerely, and He has never given up the plan for human cultivation. From then to this day countless people were born and died and God has watched all of them with a faithful heart and taken care of their lives in love.
He loved them to the point of laying down His only begotten Son on the cross. God steadfastly looks at the souls on this earth with the eyes of warmth and love. It is the same today. His unfailing love is engraved into the hearts of those who yearn for His love.
While we feel sorry for our weakness, God does not pay attention to it but instead patiently waits for our change thinking we have good points and can be surely transformed and made complete. It is thanks to God’s eyes of love that we have run the race of faith until now.

Grace 2: God is present with us with His helping hands

The believers in Jesus Christ have no anxiety because they receive whatever they ask for in the name of the Lord, big or small, and the almighty God answers and helps them.
They can be strong and courageous in the same situation that the worldly people may tremble with fear, and they do not lose heart but have hope heart even in the disheartening conditions. It is because God never abandons them though everyone turns away from them.
When faced with any problem they can never solve, it is made possible with God’s helping hands and they abide in the comfort and peace of God. There is nothing we can do on our own: to throw away sins and become sanctified, to accomplish the faith of spirit in eagerness, and to cry out in prayer, and the like. Everything is possible only by God’s grace and strength and through the Spirit’s help and guidance.
God gives strength to those who are willing to pray from the heart, and comforts those who are heartbroken. When we earnestly desire to be transformed, God helps us discover ourselves by truth, and strengthens us to live according to His words.

Grace 3: God embraces us in His warmth

Only in the warmth of Father God His children are afraid of nothing. In this world full of troubles and hardships they can take true rest and enjoy peace because they cast all anxieties upon Him by prayer and supplication.
By the way, some say they are God’s children but do not feel His love so that they fail to dwell in His warmth. They are afraid of God and distance themselves from the presence of God. God loves them unchangingly but they feel He is far away from them because of the barrier of sins built against God. Sometimes their burden of sin is too heavy for them to repent of their sins.
They seem to repent with lips but fail to repent from the heart because the spirit of repentance doesn’t come upon them. They continue to feel so much frustrated and troubled that they cannot lead a happy religious life. It is only when the spirit of repentance comes upon them and they repent with heart that they no longer consider God as a dreadful Judge and instead feel the love and warmth of God who embraces and strengthens them.
As they love God, they come to obey His words and keep His commandments with joy to please Him. Their hope for heaven is not vague at all. They harbor a very clear hope for heaven and have the goal of the city of New Jerusalem, the best place in heaven because they miss Father God, long to see God’s face, and yearn to be put in His arms.




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Manmin News, Manmin, Manmin Church, Manmin Central Church, Jaerock Lee, Jaerock, drLee