[Letter from Abroad] I have converted from Islam to Christianity after reading Rev. Dr. Jaerock Lee's ...
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December 10, 2006 |
I have converted from Islam to Christianity after reading Rev. Dr. Jaerock Lee's testimonial memoir Tasting Eternal Life Before Death
November 1, 2006
Dear beloved Rev. Dr. Jaerock Lee,
I would like to express my sincere gratitude for showing me the path of light and salvation through your testimonial memoir, Tasting Eternal Life Before Death. I was born in northern India, am 24 years of age, and am currently the manager at Apollo Computer Education Center in Chennai.
I attempted suicide twice because of an event that brought me much hardship and suffering but each time was rescued by the grace of God. For the next 8 months, however, my life knew no joy. It was during this time when my older sister, already a Christian, handed me your book and told me, "This book will change your life," but I did not believe her.
One day at home, I was bored and began reading the book my sister had given me, and this was the turning point of my life. As I read down the book, I could feel that I was beginning to change, realize that the problem I had was not eternal, and believe that the hurt in my heart would also be healed. Tasting Eternal Life Before Death quenched my thirst. Its messages touched the depths of my heart. I also realized how only God could show eternal love, care, and mercy.
I stopped worrying about the cares and things of this world and began thinking about the eternal life in heaven where my Father God dwells. I repented of my fleshly way of life. I shed tears of gratitude for the Providence of salvation of my Father who redeemed all of Adam's descendants from Adam's original sin, for His mercy that allowed someone like me to accept Jesus Christ as my Savior and live by His Word and will as His child.
When I was a Muslim, I had never known or enjoyed a day of peace. After becoming a Christian, however, I can feel the peace of God and Our Lord in my heart.
Through your book, I began live the life of a Christian who has received salvation. I am praying to God – I am telling Him – that your book must be delivered to all those who find themselves in darkness.
My life has been completely transformed. I dwell in my Father's peace, giving Him all praise, thanksgiving, glory and honor. I only desire every aspect of my life to be wholly led by the will of God.
Feroz Lee of Chennai Manmin Church