"My Life Is Full of Blessing" - Conceiving a Baby after 13-year Marriage and Receiving Prime Minister Award
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January 20, 2013 |
 Elder Gwankyu Lee and his family
Elder Gwankyu Lee (Chuncheon Manmin Church, Assistant Professor of Landscape Architecture Department, Gangwon University)
Before coming to church, I was once very opinionated and I didn't believe the works of God without scientific evidences. But in June 2007, I registered in Chuncheon Manmin Church and came to believe that God is alive and I came to believe in Jesus Christ. By doing so, I became a blessed person. It is all because of God's grace and love.
After demolishing my ego as a scholar by the power of God…
Senior Pastor Dr. Jaerock Lee's sermons address the essence of Christianity. It was not that He told us to just believe with no evidence. He showed positive proofs of the living God and has led us to Heaven. I felt like I could touch Heaven and I was overjoyed coming to knowledge of the spiritual world. Moreover, an amazing incident happened to me, which destroyed my thoughts with the power of God.
We call a phenomenon that can't be proved through science a 'miracle'. Such miracles occurred before my eyes every week and they happened even to me myself. I couldn't help but to believe.
In May, 2008, I was healed of a 17-year-old chronic allergic rhinitis by the prayer of Senior Pastor Dr. Jaerock Lee. Deaconess Suhee Lim, my wife, hasn't been sick since she attended Manmin. In June, 2008, we received Dr. Lee's prayer for blessing of conception. In April, 2009, my son named Seongkyul was born. It was a present of blessing given to us after a childless 13 years of marriage.
In addition, my wife and I attended many meetings where we were able to receive grace and received a lot of spiritual blessing. Our life was full of happiness because we had assurance of salvation and we could resemble the Lord with hope for New Jerusalem thanks to our true shepherd.
Blessings overflowed in my life when I worked faithfully according to the Word of God
I often prayed, 'Father God! I want to give glory to You always. Let me extend Your kingdom.' I also wanted to help our church move to a bigger sanctuary by receiving blessings.
In March, 2007, I was appointed an assistant professor of Department of Landscape Architecture in Gangwon University. I thought leading an exemplary life in the school is the shortcut to guiding others to the Lord. So, I tried hard to live by the Word of God and managed my life in a bright and positive way. I also prayed fervently and armed myself with the Word. I worked faithfully as a president of Men's Mission and Head of Finance Department of Chuncheon Manmin Church (Pastor Donghun Kim). As a result, I received many blessings and helped the relocation of my church with finances and working with the landscaping project.
We Chuncheon Manmin Church members sometimes had a great time with Senior Pastor Dr. Lee, which made me grow up well in spirit.
By the grace of God, I could show outstanding performance in my workplace. Until now, I have conducted around 120 research projects, the 40 articles that I wrote have been published, and gave 123 conference presentations. I also made contributions to a national policy by distributing the Guideline for Low Carbon Green City, Green Street, Ecological Restoration, Wetland Restoration, and a Wildlife Reserve. In 2012, I published the Guideline of Green-house Gas Environmental Effects Evaluation after a two-year research with my brother Deacon Junghwan Lee and spread it nationwide. It was said that the Guideline is worth approximately 256 million dollars. Thanks to this project, my brother has received a doctoral degree in Landscape Architecture not long ago.
In May, 2012, I also received the Prime Minister's Award in the Event on the Day of Bio-diversity sponsored by the government. It was because I was recognized for contribution to enhancement of the national competitiveness and reformation by preserving biological resources. In general, it is demanding to conduct even two or three projects a year. People around me said it was miracle for me to conduct so many national research projects successfully.
It is all because of God's grace and Dr. Lee who has harbored me and prayed for me.
After passing precious trials, I was blessed to prosper in spirit
In such a blessing, God blessed my soul to prosper. Through a trial of blessing, I had an opportunity to check myself thoroughly. In March, 2012, my student who had graduated from school misunderstood me and filed a civil complaint about me. An inspection was performed and the truth was distorted because inspectors were biased in favor of the student's remark. In the end, I was dismissed from the post of a professor on August 2, 2012. Many people including President of my university helped me but it wasn't easy.
But I trusted God and just gave thanks to Him. And I pondered why this kind of incident had occurred to me. I realized that I hadn't embraced other people due to my strong self-righteousness. I had thought I ran my research office walking on the right path just as Dr. Lee taught me. But I had strong self-righteousness in the process. I realized how wrong such a thing is.
Meantime, Dr. Jaerock Lee appeared in my dream and said, "Endure it well because it happened so that you can cultivate your heart." And he continued to teach me what 'to walk the right path' really means in detail. At that time, I put deep in my heart how important it is to lead a life that is spotless and blameless in the sight of God even if something is deemed a social conventional code.
In August, 2012, I filed an objection with the Teachers' Appeals Committee under the Ministry of Education. The results revealed that I had no intentionality and there was just misunderstanding. Finally, on December 11, 2012, I heard from my lawyer that I would be reinstated. Hallelujah!
I give thanks to the school faculty who helped me. I extend all thanks and glory to God the Trinity who was with me with amazing love.