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“God will surely accomplish what He has spoken.” Manmin Church proclaims its 4 visions for Year 2020

Manmin News   No. 664
January 19, 2020

On December 29th, 2019 Manmin Central Church held its General Assembly right after the Sunday Evening Service. Pastor Soojin Lee, Acting Senior Pastor, announced 4 visions for the year 2020 that the whole congregation should accomplish.

Vision 1 - Arise, Shine (Isaiah 60:1-3)

God set up this church to shine in this generation which is darkened by sins and evil. Manmin has delivered the holiness gospel through the broadcasting and literary media ministries; manifested countless signs and wonders in overseas crusades, revival meetings, and summer retreats; and, guided countless souls to salvation.

By faith the church will overcome the trials that God allowed and shine all the more brightly. When it shines throughout the whole world with the holiness gospel and the fiery power of the Holy Spirit, nations and kings will come to the light of Manmin and give glory to God the Creator.

Vision 2 - A Sincere Heart in Full Assurance of Faith (Hebrews 10:22)

God wants to gain the best fruits through human cultivation. These best fruits are the saints with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith. Just as the pure gold doesn’t change despite passage of time, he who has a sincere heart doesn’t change in any situation or environment. Only when we have such a sincere heart can we have full assurance of faith.

During our cultivation on this earth, sometimes evil in our heart is revealed through trials and refinements. At times we go through hardships by the work of the enemy devil and Satan. But we should pray more fervently and circumcise our hearts to grow in faith. We should arm ourselves with the Word and prayer so that we can cast off clear evil in our conscience and natures to become the true fruit that God is waiting for.

Vision 3 - The Sanctuary Filled with Love (1 John 4:11-12, 1 Corinthians 12:12)

It is a certainty that the Grand Sanctuary will be built when the time comes because it is not the plan of a man but of God. Therefore, our hearts must first be changed by the truth to become pure so that it can be a beautiful and God-pleasing sanctuary.

We need to be united as one with warm service and love. Then, God will receive our worship and prayer with joy, and we can come closer to the time of construction of Grand Sanctuary.

Vision 4 - The Power of Re-creation 100% (Ezekiel 37:4-10)

The works of re-creation are the works that affect change, restoration, and renewal of things damaged that had already been created. The reason we need the power of re-creation is that we must save just one more soul in this end time of the world which is full of sins and evil.

Just as Ezekiel the prophet saw in a vision, if people see sinews and flesh restored on dry bones and become an army, that is, if they experience amazing works as if they saw God in person, they could not help but have faith. The power of re-creation is the love expression of God who doesn’t give up on people at the end of time but wants them to be saved and sanctified by faith.

God is not a man, that He should lie, Nor a son of man, that He should repent. He will do what He has said. We give all thanks and glory to God who set up Manmin Central Church in His great providence and He has guided us. The ministry of Manmin will never stop until God-given dreams and visions come true.




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Manmin News, Manmin, Manmin Church, Manmin Central Church, Jaerock Lee, Jaerock, drLee