Manmin News, Manmin, Manmin Central Church, drLee, jae-rock Lee

“What happened? You’re walking well. You must have bene healed!”
New Update
One day in March 2024, I suddenly hurt my lower back on both sides, and since then I had not been able to walk properly. I went to an orthopedic clinic and was diagnosed with a herniated disc. ...

My itchy and soring face was healed and all pain was gone! Now I have a nice complexion.

Manmin News   No. 766
September 01, 2024

Sister Ye-eun Lee (Aged 18, Parish 10 in Manmin Central Church)

In the mid May of 2024, I applied a cream for pimples on the face before I went to sleep. Next morning, I woke up to have burning flashes on both the cheeks. I went to a skin clinic to see a dermatologist. She said the cream was too strong and prescribed an ointment.
At first it seemed to go better, but a few days later I had sores on the face. On May 25, something white like dead skin cells covered the face except the forehead. I tried to slough off with scrub, but it went worse. The eyes and the cheeks were so much swollen that I couldn’t go out. I relied on all the means possible including various creams and ointments, but soring pain and itchiness worsened. It looked like a severe burn.
On June 1, while praying in a Daniel Prayer Meeting, I was reminded I had not worshipped God in spirit and truth during the services sharing text messages through the smartphone and cast away lingering attachments to the world watching secular contents on YouTube. The Scripture says if I love the world, the love of Father God is not in me. I tearfully repented that I had filled my heart with those things that are of the world but not of the Lord.
On June 2, the following day, when Senior Pastor Soojin Lee prayed for the sick during Sunday morning service, I felt the burning sensation and soring pain immediately gone. I looked in the mirror coming back home, and there were few flashes on the face. It got even better next day.
Thankfully, with a nice complexion, I had my graduation picture taken on June 4. I give thanks and glory to our good God who filled my heart with the Lord’s tender and delicate love.




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Manmin News, Manmin, Manmin Church, Manmin Central Church, Jaerock Lee, Jaerock, drLee