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God’s mysterious plan hidden before the ages
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“… but we speak God’s wisdom in a mystery, the hidden wisdom, which God predestined before the ages to our glory; the wisdom which none of the rulers of this age has understood; for if they had understood it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.” (1 Corinthians 2:7-8) ...

The Twelve Foundation Stones of City Wall of New Jerusalem 3

Manmin News   No. 140
March 22, 2009

"The foundation stones of the city wall were adorned with every kind of precious stone. The first foundation stone was jasper; the second, sapphire; the third, chalcedony; the fourth, emerald; the fifth, sardonyx; the sixth, sardius; the seventh, chrysolite; the eighth, beryl; the ninth, topaz; the tenth, chrysoprase; the eleventh, jacinth; the twelfth, amethyst."
(Revelation 21:19-20)

The reason why the 12 foundations stones of city wall of New Jerusalem is adorned with 12 jewels is that when their spiritual meanings are combined altogether it carries the meaning of being the heart of God and Jesus Christ which is perfect love itself. If you know of the meanings contained in each of the 12 gem stones you can realize how you accomplished the heart of Jesus Christ and how to become qualified for entry into New Jerusalem.
In this issue we will study the spiritual meanings of the 6th, 7th and the 8th foundation stones.

1. The 6th Foundation Stone is Sardius

Sardius is a gem stone that has a dark-red color like ruby. Sardius contains the meaning of "endeavor and passion with the passionate love to accomplish the kingdom and righteousness of God."
In the Bible, who was it that had this kind of passionate heart in devoting himself to the kingdom of God that is represented by the meaning of sardius? It is the Apostle Paul whom we've heard so much about. As the apostle to the Gentiles, he saved many souls and established many churches through his three missionary trips. Until he was martyred in Rome, he constantly testified to Jesus Christ. During his missionary trips, there were always many situations that were difficult for a man to bear. Nevertheless, Paul never regretted his choice. Though he was going through so many troubles, his primary concern was only for the church and the believers. This passionate love for the Lord, the fervor and endeavor for salvation of other souls is represented by the red color of sardius.

2. The 7th Foundation Stone, Chrysolite

Chrysolite is also called 'Olivine.' When the mineral olivine is gem-quality it is also called peridot. It is a magnesium iron silicate. Now, what kind of spiritual heart is represented by chrysolite? It is 'mercy". The Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary defines 'mercy' as 'compassion or forbearance shown especially to an offender or to one subject to one's power.' But what is the spiritual meaning of mercy that God explains to us? It is to understand in truth somebody who cannot be understood at all and to forgive in truth a person who cannot be forgiven at all. We can embrace others with the mercy that is symbolized by chrysolite.
Those who have this mercy do not have any prejudice. They don't dislike or hate anybody. Of course, they don't have any enmity. They just try to look at and think about everything in a beautiful way. They are accepting of everybody. So, even when they face a person who has committed a grave sin, they only show compassion. They hate the sin, but not the sinner. They rather understand him and accept him. This is mercy.
Jesus knew from the beginning that Judas Iscariot would betray Him. Nevertheless, Jesus did not excluded him or keep His distance from him. He did not dislike or hate him in His heart either. Jesus loved him until the very end and He gave Judas chances to turn back. This heart is the merciful heart. Even when Jesus was nailed through on the cross, He did not complain against or hate anybody. He rather prayed in intercession for those who were inflicting pain and injury on Him. Likewise, mercy is to forgive even those who cannot be forgiven at all.
Stephen also had this kind of mercy. Even while he was being stoned, he prayed for those who were killing him(Acts 7:60). It shows us that he had the perfect fruit of mercy to have compassion on those people. How happy we would be if we accomplish this kind of heart that can understand every people and embrace them.

3. The 8th Foundation Stone is 'Beryl'

This beryl has the light blue-green color like aquamarine. What kind spiritual heart does this beryl stand for? It symbolizes 'endurance and patience' in all things to accomplish God's kingdom and righteousness. But the patience here is not to suppress something with much restraint. If we have no evil but only a fullness of goodness and love, then 'patience' itself is actually not necessary. But God just expressed it as 'being patient for a long time' to let us understand.
The patience in Galatians 5, as one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit, and the patience of spiritual love in 1 Corinthians 13 are both the patience that God wants. But the scope of patience is a little different. The patience in spiritual love is to be patient to love others at a personal level. But the patience as one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit has a broader meaning. The meaning of patience symbolized by beryl is the same as the patience that is the fruit of the Holy Spirit. And this patience to accomplish the kingdom and righteousness of God can be categorized into three kinds again.

First, there is patience between God and us.
We have to be patient until the promise of God is fulfilled. God the Father is faithful. Once He has spoken something, He surely does it without reversing it. Jesus said, "Believe that you have received what you have prayed and asked." Therefore if God has promised you something you have to wait with patience until fulfils his promise. We have to stay patient until he gives us an answer because God knows the best time for us to receive His blessing.
When some believers say something like, "I pray all-night and even fast, and still there is no answer." They are actually complaining. This is just like a farmer who sows the seed and soon digs up the ground because there is no fruit immediately visible. If we have sown the seed, we have to be patient until it sprouts, grows up, blossoms with the flower and then bears the fruit.
Likewise, to receive the answer to what we have prayed, we have things that have to be done. We have to fulfill the proper measure according to the seven Spirits – namely faith, joy, prayer, thanks, hard-working faithfulness, keeping the commandments, and love. God answers us immediately only if we fulfill the required amounts according to measures for our faith. Let us understand that the time of patience with God is the time to receive a more perfect answer, and let us rejoice and give thanks even more.

Secondly, there is patience between men.
To love any person in all kinds of human relationships, we need patience. We need patience to believe in any kind of person, endure with him, and hope that he will prosperous. Even if he does something that is the opposite of what we have expected, we have to be patient in all things. We have to understand, be accepting, forgive, yield, and be patient.
Those who evangelize many people are likely to have much patience. Even if those who are being evangelized do not like it, the evangelist keeps on visiting them. Even if they curse and persecute them, they visit them again with smiles on their faces. With love to save that particular kind of person, they rejoice and give thanks, and never give up. Because the evangelist acts constantly with goodness and love, the darkness goes away because of that light.

Thirdly, there is patience to change the heart.
To change our heart is to pull out untruths and evil from our heart and plant truth and goodness instead. To the extent that we change our heart, our faith also grows. Our faith grows up from the faith of a new-born baby to that of a child, and to a young man, and finally a father. And to reach the full measure of faith, we must change our heart
And just as we have to sweat and work hard to clear land, we have to do the same when we change our heart. We have to cry out earnestly in prayer with all our strength and with all our heart. Then we can receive the power of the Holy Spirit to plow the fleshly heart that is like barren land.
This process is not as easy as one might think. That is why some people may feel burdened, get disheartened, or fall into despair. Therefore, we need patience. Even though it seems that we are changing very slowly, we should never be disappointed or give up. We should remember the love of the Lord who died on the cross for us, receive new strength, and keep on cultivating the field of the heart. It doesn't mean you just have to wait without any effort thinking, 'It will be done someday. ' You should keep trying with a grateful heart thinking about the love and blessing God will give you when you have truly changed your heart.

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
As you accomplish the heart of what is represented by each of the gem stones you can also have jewels in heaven. I pray in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ that you may accomplish all the 12 of the jewels in heart and go into New Jerusalem.




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