Do you know exactly what Christmas means?
New Update
“I had difficulty walking due to spinal
“You had a crack in the spine, but now i
Do you know exactly what Christmas means
A thyroid lump on my throat was complete
The nerves and cells in the legs died fr
I got healed for Pituitary tumor and ost
God’s mysterious plan hidden before the
Campfire worship praise at Manmin Summer
A Divine Healing Meeting in September
“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among men with whom He is pleased.” (Luke 2:14) ...
Love Does Not Rejoice in Unrighteousness_Spiritual Love (11)
Senior Pastor Rev. Jaerock Lee
"Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, ...
Manmin News
No. 635
March 31, 2019
Campfire worship praise at Man
A Divine Healing Meeting in Se
“I couldn’t hear in the left e
My happiness comes by you, My
A Divine Healing Meeting is st
Those having fellowship with G
[Special Feature_Ministry] Pas
[Memorial Message] Memorial me
Success and prosperity in all
[Special feature] Penang Manmi
“What happened? You’re walking
“I had difficulty walking due
“You had a crack in the spine,
A thyroid lump on my throat wa
The nerves and cells in the le
Campfire worship praise at Manmin Summer Retreat 2024
A Divine Healing Meeting in September
“I couldn’t hear in the left ear for l
My happiness comes by you, My joy incr
A Divine Healing Meeting is streamed l
Pastor Soojin Lee is inaugurated as Ma
Those having fellowship with God
[Special Feature_Ministry] Pastor Jaer
[Memorial Message] Memorial messages a
Success and prosperity in all aspects
[Special feature] Penang Manmin Deaf C
[Special] How to receive blessings fro
“What happened? You’re walking well. You must have bene healed!”
“I had difficulty walking due to spina
“You had a crack in the spine, but now
A thyroid lump on my throat was comple
The nerves and cells in the legs died
I got healed for Pituitary tumor and o
Manmin's Active Literary Media Min
To Bear Abundant Fruit as God Prom
New Release / Strengthening the Sp
"My Life Is Full of Blessing" - Co
2012 Christmas Eve Celebration Per
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[Memorial Message] Memorial messag
[Special Feature_Ministry] Pastor
[Special feature] Penang Manmin De
Pastor Soojin Lee is inaugurated a
“Healed of concussion, cervical sp