Manmin News, Manmin, Manmin Central Church, drLee, jae-rock Lee

Jesus is our only Savior (1)
New Update
“And there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men, by which we must be saved.” (Acts 4:12) ...

Light-shining Sanctuary

"He will bring forth your righteousness as the light and your judgment as the noonday" (Psalm 37:6). ...
Manmin News   No. 319
January 27, 2013
Whole Spirit

"Let us draw near with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies ...
Manmin News   No. 318
January 20, 2013
Providence for the End Time

"[God] desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth" (1 Timothy 2:4). ...
Manmin News   No. 317
January 13, 2013
Spiritual Love (16) - The Love of God

"We have come to know and have believed the love which God has for us God is love, and the one who abides in love abides in God, and God abi ...
Manmin News   No. 316
January 06, 2013
Spiritual Love (15) - Perfect Love

"Love never fails; but if there are gifts of prophecy, they will be done away; if there are tongues, they will cease; if there is knowledge, ...
Manmin News   No. 315
December 30, 2012
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Manmin News, Manmin, Manmin Church, Manmin Central Church, Jaerock Lee, Jaerock, drLee