A successful person tends to have a positive mindset. They usually overcome hardship with their positive mindset and efforts. In the same condition, success or failure depends on the mindset of each one. ...
True professionals
Manmin News
March 19, 2013
When a game of chess is being played there are some people who try to help with advice for chess moves and they seem to be better at playing the game than the player. But when they themselves are playing chess, they are found to be poor at playing the game. It is the same with sports commentators. Each commentator has a lot of knowledge of his own field – i.e. soccer or baseball, but usually they were not able to become good players themselves. In the same way, just because a person has a lot of Biblical knowledge he cannot be deemed to have great faith. As said in Romans 2:13, "for it is not the hearers of the Law who are just before God, but the doers of the Law will be justified.