A successful person tends to have a positive mindset. They usually overcome hardship with their positive mindset and efforts. In the same condition, success or failure depends on the mindset of each one. ...
A Lesson from Nature
Manmin News
March 25, 2013
While some rivers wind slowly toward the sea, others unbendingly flow straight and swiftly into the sea. It is not easy to plant crops on the banks of the rivers that run straight into sea. But it is very different on the banks of the rivers that meander their way down to the sea because fertile soil is deposited on the banks of the rivers and makes good soil that produces good crops. It is the same with our hearts. If you are persistent in your opinion without consideration of others, people cannot come to you. You are like the banks of the swift rivers whose course is straight and unbending. On the contrary, if you consider others' opinions from their point-of-view and embrace them, though your may be right, you can be at peace with anyone and bear good fruits like the rivers with fertile banks.