A successful person tends to have a positive mindset. They usually overcome hardship with their positive mindset and efforts. In the same condition, success or failure depends on the mindset of each one. ...
God is our secure fortress
Manmin News
December 12, 2008
Sometimes we meet the situation that makes us to be at a loss all of a sudden. At that time, the important thing is not the circumstance or situation but our heart which we stands before God with. Because God the Creator manages the humans life or death and happiness or misfortune. As we can read in the Bible, Daniel didnt submit to the world but obeyed God even at the dangerous situation where he was thrown into the lions den. Then, God sent His angels to stop the mouths of lions up. At last, he was loved and respected from the king and people all the more. Likewise, God can make a humble man noble in a moment or help us escape from the death. When we believe and rely on God and obey His words, we can experience the unlimited power of God.