A successful person tends to have a positive mindset. They usually overcome hardship with their positive mindset and efforts. In the same condition, success or failure depends on the mindset of each one. ...
The righteous will shine like glittering jewels
Manmin News
December 12, 2008
A jewel can be easily distinguished even in the mud for its glittering light. In the same way, the righteous ones like jewels whom God is pleased with brighten and change their neighberhood beautifully with their lights and thus gain the love of many. So those who act righteously or produce remarkable achievements in human history are praised by future generations and recognized as the great ones. However, even among this people, we can scarcely find the truly righteous ones deserving the recognition of God. It is because God is pleased with those who love God the most, love their neighbors like themselves and keep the Word of God and shed the light and fragrance of Christ. God reveals His wondrous will and providence and takes glory through these righteous ones. Therefore, we should live according to Gods will and thus shed light as the truly righteous ones living a blessed life.